This page refers to an older game FM20. View Círculo Deportivo in all games.

Círculo Deportivo are a team in Football Manager 2020. Círculo Deportivo play in the Argentine Torneo Federal A in Argentina in FM 20.

Círculo Deportivo
Argentine Torneo Federal A
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

Círculo Deportivo Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Círculo Deportivo will be Poor

Círculo Deportivo Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Círculo Deportivo in Football Manager 2020?

This is a guide to managing Círculo Deportivo in FM20. If you want to play Football Manager 2020 with an updated Círculo Deportivo squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM20 Update which updates the Football Manager 2020 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2020 Data Update you can download.

Círculo Deportivo Players in FM20

All Círculo Deportivo Players in Football Manager 2020
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Leonardo Fredes 27 AM L £2k £358k £35k
Joaquín Romea 26 ST £1k £341k £153k
Nahuel Pájaro 22 DM, M RC £1k £324k £400k 30-06-2020
Bruno Cabrera 22 D C £2k £565k £250k 30-06-2020
Gastón García 24 D LC £690 £132k £10k
Bruno Vedda 22 M L £960 £285k £126k
Nahuel Roselli 33 D/WB RL, M R £890 £56k £24k
Francisco Leonardo 23 AM L, ST £1k £274k £119k 30-06-2020
Sebastián Corti 29 D/WB/M R £1k £221k £96k
Mariano Buzzini 25 M RC £1k £247k £107k 30-06-2020
Enzo Vértiz 23 AM R, ST £850 £247k £45k
Sergio Del Curto 38 GK £850 £20k £1k
Enzo Astiz 23 ST £780 £233k £100k
Matías Atlante 25 AM L, ST £970 £233k £100k
Marcos Zappacosta 24 GK £920 £165k £140k
Joaquín Solaberrieta 26 D/WB L £1k £226k £96k 31-12-2019
Juan Manuel Lazaneo 29 ST £880 £207k £88k 30-06-2020
Lucas Rancic 22 AM C £880 £207k £160k
Fernando Ariza 24 D/WB L £800 £158k £66k
Daniel Beguiristain 30 AM LC £640 £167k £70k
Ever Ullúa 24 ST £800 £186k £78k
Hernán Paicil 20 DM £550 £147k £61k
Alejandro Ferella 26 D L £520 £123k £50k
Silvio Vedda 22 D RC £520 £123k £50k
Sebastián Batista 22 AM RC £620 £134k £55k
Santiago Tallarico 22 D RC £490 £89k £36k
Esteban Fourcade 30 D RC £490 £103k £42k
Braian Campos 22 M C £490 £127k £52k
Martín Prado 30 M C £460 £98k £40k
Sebastián Nieto 22 GK £430 £85k £6k
Mauricio Di Martino 29 M C £540 £108k £43k
Lucas Chaparre 20 DM, M RC £500 £98k £7k
Pedro Ale Pérez 27 ST £400 £104k £41k
Alejandro Portillo 31 D C £400 £65k £26k
Agustín Bianchi 30 D RC £490 £79k £31k
Pedro Barberini 18 ST £0 £112k £7k

Círculo Deportivo Staff in FM20

Círculo Deportivo Staff in Football Manager 2020
Name Age Job Wage Expires Rating
Mariano Padilla 43 Manager (Reserve Team)
Alexis Matteo 41 Manager (First Team)
Juan Blaires 31 Assistant Manager (First Team) £420
Ariel Carli 37 Fitness Coach (First Team) £140
Marcos Buenaventura 34 GK Coach (First Team) £200
Nicolás Giraudo 25 Fitness Coach (First Team)
Lucas Baldino 30 Head of Youth Development

Círculo Deportivo Peaked Players in FM20

The following players have peaked and will not develop any further in Football Manager 2020
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Esteban Fourcade 30 D RC £490 £103k £42k
Martín Prado 30 M C £460 £98k £40k
Mauricio Di Martino 29 M C £540 £108k £43k
Pedro Ale Pérez 27 ST £400 £104k £41k