This page refers to an older game FM20. View Montrose in all games.

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Montrose are a team in Football Manager 2020. Montrose play in the Ladbrokes League 1 in Scotland in FM 20. Montrose are a playable team in FM2020. Montrose play at a stadium called "Links Park" in Football Manager 20.

Ladbrokes League 1
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

Montrose Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Montrose will be Adequate

Montrose Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Montrose in Football Manager 2020?

This is a guide to managing Montrose in FM20. If you want to play Football Manager 2020 with an updated Montrose squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM20 Update which updates the Football Manager 2020 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2020 Data Update you can download.

Montrose Players in FM20

All Montrose Players in Football Manager 2020
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Blair Lyons 22 AM RLC, F C £450 £15k £3k 31-05-2020
Andrew Steeves 24 D/WB L £320 £8k £5k 31-05-2021
Cammy Ballantyne 22 D/WB R £280 £6k £5k 31-05-2020
Graham Webster 27 AM R £190 £2k £5k 31-05-2020
Aaron Lennox 26 GK £200 £3k £3k 31-05-2020
Matty Allan 23 D C £250 £5k £3k 31-05-2021
Terry Masson 30 AM C £250 £6k £3k 31-05-2021
Mouhamed Niang 19 D C, DM £200 £2k £5k 31-05-2020
Cameron Ballantyne 19 DM, M RC £180 £7k £8k 30-05-2020
Aidan Quinn 20 D C, ST £190 £220 £270 31-05-2021
Allan Fleming 35 GK £220 £2k £100 31-05-2020
Lewis Milne 25 AM RC £250 £6k £5k 31-05-2020
Kerr Waddell 21 D C £350 £31k £20k 31-05-2021
Seán Dillon 35 D RC £450 £500 £30 31-05-2021
Paul Watson 33 M LC £300 £470 £30 31-05-2020
Shaun Struthers 19 ST £150 £3k £5k 31-05-2020
Lewis Hawke 25 ST £200 £990 £60 31-05-2020
Craig Johnston 24 AM R, ST £150 £3k £190 31-05-2020
Iain Campbell 34 D LC £210 £580 £30 31-05-2021
Russell McLean 21 ST £200 £4k £240 31-05-2021
Ross Campbell 35 AM/F C £450 £280 £290 31-05-2023
Liam Callaghan 24 M C £160 £2k £520 31-05-2020
Kai Henderson 17 M L £0 £240 £360 31-05-2020
Ross Matthews 16 GK £0 £190 £300 31-05-2020
Jack McCormick 16 D R £0 £210 £340 31-05-2020
Cameron McCormack 16 DM £0 £240 £380 31-05-2020
Sam Garnham 16 ST £0 £250 £400 31-05-2020
Jack Rollo 17 D C £0 £220 £320 31-05-2020
Ben Dalglish 16 D L £0 £210 £340 31-05-2020
Kai Cooper 17 D C £0 £220 £320 31-05-2020
Rhys Clark 17 D C £0 £220 £320 31-05-2020
Adam Duffy 17 M C £0 £240 £340 31-05-2020
Jamie Timmons 16 AM RL £0 £250 £400 31-05-2020
Theo Leslie 17 AM R £0 £240 £340 31-05-2020
Lyall Innes 17 M C £0 £240 £340 31-05-2020
James Baxter 16 ST £0 £250 £400 31-05-2020
Jay Stockton 16 ST £0 £250 £400 31-05-2020

Montrose Loaned Out Players in FM20

Players out on loan from Montrose in Football Manager 2020
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Ryan Hunt 18 ST £30 £190 £270 31-05-2020
Fraser MacLeod 17 AM C £30 £300 £490 31-05-2020
Ross Fraser 18 AM L £30 £180 £240 31-05-2020
Rohan Terrell 18 D C £30 £170 £230 31-05-2020
Lewis Stracey 18 D L £30 £160 £220 31-05-2020
Scott Glennie 17 D C £30 £170 £260 31-05-2020
James Connelly 18 D C £30 £170 £230 31-05-2020
Dylan Stephen 17 DM £30 £180 £270 31-05-2020
Fraser Burnett 17 GK £30 £140 £220 31-05-2020

Montrose Staff in FM20

Montrose Staff in Football Manager 2020
Name Age Job Wage Expires Rating
Stewart Petrie 49 Manager (First Team) £750 31-05-2023
Seán Dillon 35 Player/Coach (First Team) £450 31-05-2021
Tony Bullock 47 GK Coach (First Team) £174 31-05-2020
Ross Campbell 35 Player/Assistant Manager (First Team) £450 31-05-2023
Gemma Collier 29 Head Physio £149 31-05-2020
Iain Campbell 34 Player/Coach (First Team) £210 31-05-2021
John Crawford 65 Chairman
Stuart MacFarlane 29 Sports Scientist (First Team) £120 31-05-2020
Paul Hunt 42 Head of Youth Development £100 31-08-2020
Scott Bridgewater 28 Manager (Reserve Team) 31-05-2020
Colin Gibson 43 Coach (Reserve Team) £65 31-05-2020
Scott Shepherd 43 Physio (First Team) £215 31-05-2020
Mark Nesbit 40 Manager (U18 Team) 31-05-2020
Jamie Clark 38 Coach (U18 Team) 31-05-2020

Montrose Peaked Players in FM20

The following players have peaked and will not develop any further in Football Manager 2020
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Terry Masson 30 AM C £250 £6k £3k 31-05-2021