This page refers to an older game FM20. View Santa Rita (ECU) in all games.

Santa Rita (ECU) are a team in Football Manager 2020. Santa Rita (ECU) play in the Ecuadorian Serie B in Ecuador in FM 20. Santa Rita (ECU) play at a stadium called "14 de Junio" in Football Manager 20.

Santa Rita (ECU)
Ecuadorian Serie B
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Fairly Basic
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

Santa Rita (ECU) Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Santa Rita (ECU) will be Basic

Santa Rita (ECU) Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Santa Rita (ECU) in Football Manager 2020?

This is a guide to managing Santa Rita (ECU) in FM20. If you want to play Football Manager 2020 with an updated Santa Rita (ECU) squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM20 Update which updates the Football Manager 2020 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2020 Data Update you can download.

Santa Rita (ECU) Players in FM20

All Santa Rita (ECU) Players in Football Manager 2020
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Léiner Escalante 27 AM C £440 £41k £675k 31-12-2020
Faber Cañaveral 30 DM, M RC £440 £33k £85k 31-12-2020
Jorge Yépez 28 D RLC £570 £58k £26k
José Luis Quiñónez 35 D C, DM £550 £5k £2k
Luiryi Erazo 31 D C £440 £30k £13k
Diego Rodríguez 31 D/WB/M R £520 £32k £14k
Santi Medina 27 ST £520 £55k £24k
Paúl Marret 24 AM R, ST £470 £66k £45k 31-12-2020
Christian Alba 27 ST £330 £19k £8k
Dennys Hurtado 24 AM R £440 £41k £17k
Geovanny Gracia 30 AM R, ST £440 £33k £14k
José Mina 26 DM £430 £37k £15k
Víctor Valdez 23 GK £430 £29k £2k
Franklin de la Cruz 29 DM £410 £34k £14k
Santiago Rodríguez 21 AM L £350 £23k £5k
Germán Alayón 26 AM R, ST £300 £13k £5k
Ángel Nieves 24 AM RL £350 £23k £5k
Francisco Mendoza 28 GK £400 £24k £2k
Kevin Piedrahita 22 D C £390 £28k £11k
Ricardo Merchancano Quintana 18 ST £60 £30k £12k
Jhon Ayoví 20 DM £380 £28k £11k
José Martínez 19 AM RLC £300 £13k £8k
Cristóbal Quintana 18 AM RLC £60 £10k £8k
Ariel Cortez 19 ST £280 £10k £18k
Maycko Ruiz 19 DM £270 £8k £13k
Anderson Rodríguez 17 AM RLC £60 £8k £10k
Joel Villasagua 17 DM £60 £7k £13k
Yasser Manjárrez 17 DM £60 £7k £5k

Santa Rita (ECU) Loaned Out Players in FM20

Players out on loan from Santa Rita (ECU) in Football Manager 2020
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Eder Cetre 24 DM £510 £49k £22k 31-12-2020
Nixon Molina 26 DM £550 £60k £27k 31-12-2020

Santa Rita (ECU) Staff in FM20

Santa Rita (ECU) Staff in Football Manager 2020
Name Age Job Wage Expires Rating
Cristóbal Quintana 53 Director of Football
Sandro Bacilio 40 GK Coach (First Team) £100
Silvio Bustamante 45 Assistant Manager (First Team) £130
Ney Mendoza 39 Chairman
Lizandro Quintana 44 Fitness Coach (First Team) £100
Gianluca Arnuzzo 29 Director of Football
Mario Petrone 46 Manager (First Team)

Santa Rita (ECU) Peaked Players in FM20

The following players have peaked and will not develop any further in Football Manager 2020
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
José Mina 26 DM £430 £37k £15k
Santi Medina 27 ST £520 £55k £24k