This page refers to an older game FM20. View Juticalpa in all games.

Juticalpa are a team in Football Manager 2020. Juticalpa play in the Liga de Ascenso de Honduras in Honduras in FM 20. Juticalpa play at a stadium called "Estadio Juan Ramón Brevé Vargas" in Football Manager 20.

Liga de Ascenso de Honduras
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Youth Facilities
Below Average
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

Juticalpa Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Juticalpa will be Adequate

Juticalpa Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Juticalpa in Football Manager 2020?

This is a guide to managing Juticalpa in FM20. If you want to play Football Manager 2020 with an updated Juticalpa squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM20 Update which updates the Football Manager 2020 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2020 Data Update you can download.

Juticalpa Players in FM20

All Juticalpa Players in Football Manager 2020
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Carlos Palacios 37 D/WB/M L £180 £7k £3k
Wilfredo Barahona 36 D/WB/M R £180 £7k £3k 31-05-2019
Luis Lobo 31 AM/F C £180 £56k £25k 30-06-2014
Bayron Méndez 30 AM RLC, F C £180 £64k £29k
José Pineda 31 GK £150 £50k £22k
Woodrow West 33 GK £180 £39k £17k
Hilder Colón 30 D RLC £160 £58k £26k
Israel Fonseca 29 D C £150 £59k £26k
Oliver Morazán 31 DM £150 £45k £13k 31-05-2017
Nixon Duarte 27 D C £140 £55k £24k
Rodolfo Espinal 26 DM £140 £55k £24k
Juan Ocampo 27 AM C £140 £58k £25k
Ricardo Barrios 25 D C, DM £160 £68k £45k
Jesús Munguía 27 DM £140 £60k £25k
Blas Hernández 35 DM £140 £5k £2k
Germy Garcia 24 DM £100 £18k £8k
Leonardo Benedith 25 D/WB R £140 £55k £23k 31-05-2018
Bryan Ramírez 25 D/WB/M R £140 £55k £5k
Angel Oseguera 24 M RC £100 £480 £3k
Dabirson Castillo 22 D C £140 £45k £19k
Jose Murillo 23 D C £100 £450 £5k
Victor Moreira 25 GK £110 £20k £5k
Henry Ayala 23 M RC £110 £26k £10k
Kenneth Ulloa 22 M RLC £100 £480 £65k
Brayan Velásquez 23 AM R £100 £500 £460
Carlos Castellanos 21 M LC £100 £480 £65k
Erlin Rubi 22 DM £0 £480 £540
Constantino Gutiérrez 23 AM R, ST £0 £500 £440

Juticalpa Staff in FM20

Juticalpa Staff in Football Manager 2020
Name Age Job Wage Expires Rating
Marcelo De León 44 Fitness Coach (First Team)
Robert Lima 47 Manager (First Team)
Ramón Sarmiento 59 Chairman
Erlin Lagos 49 Director of Football

Juticalpa Peaked Players in FM20

The following players have peaked and will not develop any further in Football Manager 2020
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Luis Lobo 31 AM/F C £180 £56k £25k 30-06-2014
Blas Hernández 35 DM £140 £5k £2k