This page refers to an older game FM20. View El Vencedor in all games.

El Vencedor are a team in Football Manager 2020. El Vencedor play in the El Salvador Primera División in El Salvador in FM 20.

El Vencedor
El Salvador
El Salvador Primera División
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Below Average
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

El Vencedor Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by El Vencedor will be Basic

El Vencedor Transfers

Looking for players to buy for El Vencedor in Football Manager 2020?

This is a guide to managing El Vencedor in FM20. If you want to play Football Manager 2020 with an updated El Vencedor squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM20 Update which updates the Football Manager 2020 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2020 Data Update you can download.

El Vencedor Players in FM20

All El Vencedor Players in Football Manager 2020
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Boris Polo 28 D/WB L, DM, M L £30 £81k £110k
Neimer Miranda 34 AM RC, F C £10 £4k £2k
Javier Hernández 34 WB/AM L £180 £69k £31k
Rúsvel Saravia 30 ST £100 £194k £85k
John Machado 26 AM RL, ST £0 £500 £220
Cristián Bautista 31 ST £180 £287k £125k
Fabricio Alfaro 28 WB R, DM, M RC £70 £166k £71k
Joel Almeida 28 GK £180 £305k £350k
Elmer Hernández 37 GK £40 £9k £620
Edgar Campos 36 D C £70 £16k £7k
Bladimir Osorio 28 D C £70 £157k £66k
Axer López 23 DM £0 £740 £310
Diomer Hinestroza 23 AM C £0 £780 £330
Misael Contreras 26 AM R, ST £70 £175k £72k
Erick Villalobos 23 AM C £70 £175k £72k 31-05-2017
Eduardo Vigil 22 D LC £0 £740 £310
Ever Rodríguez 22 ST £0 £500 £210
Ramón Rodríguez 22 AM RL £0 £500 £210
Darwin Nieto 26 AM R £0 £500 £200
Daniel Gutiérrez 29 GK £0 £590 £40
Reinaldo Aparicio 26 D RLC £0 £660 £270
Ramón Viera 25 M RLC £0 £480 £190
Ever Quintanilla 20 DM £0 £480 £190
Nelson Moreno 22 D/WB R £0 £2k £880
José Quintanilla 20 D RLC £0 £420 £380
Danis Cruz 20 M RLC £0 £480 £420
José Lemus 20 AM LC £0 £480 £420

El Vencedor Staff in FM20

El Vencedor Staff in Football Manager 2020
Name Age Job Wage Expires Rating
Nelson Ancheta 55 Manager (First Team)

El Vencedor Peaked Players in FM20

The following players have peaked and will not develop any further in Football Manager 2020
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Elmer Hernández 37 GK £40 £9k £620
Boris Polo 28 D/WB L, DM, M L £30 £81k £110k