This page refers to an older game FM21. View Argentine Premier Division in all games.


The Argentine Premier Division is a league in Football Manager 2021. Premier Division can be found in Argentina in FM 21. The Argentine Premier Division is playable in FM2021.

This page describes Argentine Premier Division in FM21 if you are looking for a Data Update that updates the FM21 Database with updated squads, latest transfers and promotions and relegations then download the FM21 Database Update instead.

Argentine Premier Division
Total Teams
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Avg Rating
Avg Potential
Manage in Argentine Premier Division in Football Manager 2021

Are you looking to manage a team in Argentine Premier Division in FM21? Why not try finding a random team to manage in Argentine Premier Division and then share your career in our Careers Section.

Name Balance Budget Wage Avg Age Avg Att Training Newgens Yth Recruitment Rating Potential
Arsenal Fútbol Club de Sarandí £115k £0 £0 22.11 4,000 Average Average Limited 74 75
Asociación Atlética Argentinos Juniors £2m £194k £0 20.67 8,000 Good Good Limited 75 77
Club Atlético Aldosivi £213k £0 £0 20.79 10,000 Average Below Average Limited 73 75
Club Atlético Banfield £546k £0 £0 20.08 12,000 Great Average Limited 72 75
Club Atlético Boca Juniors £8m £2m £0 20.82 43,141 Excellent Great Limited 78 80
Club Atlético Colón de Santa Fe £2m £78k £0 20.86 13,039 Good Good Limited 74 77
Club Atlético Huracán £753k £116k £0 20.49 11,095 Good Adequate Limited 73 76
Club Atlético Independiente £3m £311k £0 20.93 29,500 Great Good Limited 75 78
Club Atlético Lanús £1m £466k £0 20.1 12,000 Great Good Limited 75 78
Club Atlético Newell's Old Boys £296k £0 £0 20.67 30,000 Great Great Limited 76 78
Club Atlético Patronato de la Juventud Católica £1m £0 £0 22.6 12,000 Adequate Adequate Limited 72 74
Club Atlético River Plate £8m £388k £0 21.12 40,000 Great Excellent Limited 78 80
Club Atlético Rosario Central £788k £116k £0 20.79 29,532 Good Average Limited 74 77
Club Atlético San Lorenzo de Almagro £1m £311k £0 20.84 20,000 Great Great Limited 76 78
Club Atlético Talleres de Córdoba £5m £776k £0 20.68 35,000 Good Good Limited 74 78
Club Atlético Tucumán £2m £116k £0 21.14 19,000 Average Below Average Limited 75 77
Club Atlético Unión de Santa Fe £2m £233k £0 21.72 14,009 Good Average Limited 73 75
Club Atlético Vélez Sarsfield £3m £0 £0 19.93 15,061 Excellent Excellent Limited 75 78
Club Central Córdoba de Santiago del Estero £164k £0 £0 25.04 7,600 Adequate Below Average Limited 72 75
Club de Gimnasia y Esgrima La Plata £453k £233k £0 20.58 20,000 Average Average Limited 73 75
Club Deportivo Godoy Cruz Antonio Tomba £274k £62k £0 21.64 8,007 Average Average Limited 73 76
Club Estudiantes de La Plata £2m £543k £0 20.41 25,074 Great Good Limited 75 78
Club Social y Deportivo Defensa y Justicia £3m £78k £0 22.04 8,137 Good Below Average Limited 74 77
Racing Club de Avellaneda £5m £932k £0 20.77 27,716 Great Great Limited 76 78