This page refers to an older game FM21. View Brazilian National Fourth Division in all games.

The Brazilian National Fourth Division is a league in Football Manager 2021. Fourth Division can be found in Brazil in FM 21.

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Brazilian National Fourth Division
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Manage in Brazilian National Fourth Division in Football Manager 2021

Are you looking to manage a team in Brazilian National Fourth Division in FM21? Why not try finding a random team to manage in Brazilian National Fourth Division and then share your career in our Careers Section.

Name Balance Budget Wage Avg Age Avg Att Training Newgens Yth Recruitment Rating Potential
ABC Futebol Clube £29k £0 £0 24 3,534 Adequate Below Average Limited 64 68
Afogados da Ingazeira Futebol Clube £0 £0 £0 26.87 1,000 Basic Basic Limited 61 64
Alagoinhas Atlético Clube £0 £0 £0 26.52 3,500 Adequate Below Average Limited 60 62
América Futebol Clube (RN) £71k £0 £0 26.33 1,584 Average Below Average Limited 63 66
Aquidauanense Futebol Clube £0 £0 £0 27.69 300 Poor Basic Limited 59 62
Associação Atlética Aparecidense £-3k £0 £0 27.48 1,500 Poor Poor Limited 63 66
Associação Atlética Caldense £-3k £0 £0 21.81 2,000 Adequate Poor Limited 60 65
Associação Atlética Coruripe £-3k £0 £0 25.09 1,103 Adequate Basic Limited 52 55
Associação Atlética de Altos £0 £0 £0 31.14 650 Basic Basic Limited 62 64
Associação Atlética Portuguesa (RJ) £-660 £0 £0 26.37 600 Below Average Basic Limited 65 68
Associação Cultural e Desportiva Potiguar £0 £0 £0 25.43 650 Below Average Below Average Limited 56 59
Associação Desportiva Bahia de Feira £-300 £0 £0 26.09 1,200 Poor Poor Limited 61 64
Associação Desportiva Cabofriense £0 £0 £0 24.5 1,000 Average Basic Limited 61 65
Associação Desportiva Freipaulistano £0 £0 £0 30.45 100 Basic Basic Limited 46 49
Associação Desportiva São Caetano £-5k £0 £0 22.11 997 Adequate Below Average Limited 66 69
Associação Ferroviária de Esportes £693k £0 £0 25.69 5,000 Adequate Adequate Limited 69 72
Associação Olímpica de Itabaiana £-780 £0 £0 27.56 3,000 Adequate Basic Limited 59 62
Atlético Acreano £0 £0 £0 30.47 1,600 Below Average Basic Limited 36 39
Atlético Cajazeirense de Desportos £0 £0 £0 25.14 2,100 Adequate Below Average Limited 57 61
Bangu Atlético Clube £-660 £0 £0 24.96 750 Below Average Below Average Limited 61 67
Baré Esporte Clube £0 £0 £0 26.73 1,600 Below Average Basic Limited 0 0
Bragantino Clube do Pará £0 £0 £0 27.29 1,400 Basic Basic Limited 58 61
Brasiliense Futebol Clube £-330 £0 £0 28.75 1,500 Average Below Average Limited 65 67
Campinense Clube £155k £0 £0 26.71 4,100 Adequate Below Average Limited 61 64
Central Sport Club £0 £0 £0 24.97 2,500 Adequate Below Average Limited 58 62
Clube Atlético Tubarão £0 £0 £0 20.17 329 Basic Poor Limited 57 64
Clube Esportivo Operário Várzea-Grandense £0 £0 £0 24.83 1,100 Below Average Below Average Limited 59 64
Clube Náutico Marcílio Dias £0 £0 £0 26.38 1,000 Adequate Below Average Limited 64 68
Esporte Clube Águia Negra £0 £0 £0 28.71 1,500 Adequate Basic Limited 60 62
Esporte Clube Pelotas £0 £0 £0 26.93 1,500 Average Below Average Limited 63 67
Esporte Clube Primeiro Passo Vitória da Conquista £0 £0 £0 25.72 1,000 Basic Basic Limited 60 63
Esporte Clube São Luiz £0 £0 £0 26.32 1,700 Below Average Basic Limited 64 67
Floresta Esporte Clube £0 £0 £0 26.81 700 Basic Basic Limited 62 65
Futebol Clube Cascavel £0 £0 £0 26.64 5,000 Below Average Below Average Limited 62 65
Galvez Esporte Clube £0 £0 £0 26.83 200 Poor Poor Limited 59 62
Globo Futebol Clube £0 £0 £0 25.59 200 Basic Basic Limited 58 64
Goianésia Esporte Clube £0 £0 £0 28.78 600 Poor Poor Limited 62 65
Goiânia Esporte Clube £0 £0 £0 27.09 2,000 Adequate Below Average Limited 32 35
Grêmio Novorizontino £0 £0 £0 24.16 3,000 Below Average Adequate Limited 68 71
Guarany Sporting Club £-2k £0 £0 26.5 3,300 Average Below Average Limited 59 63
Independente Atlético Clube £0 £0 £0 29.43 600 Poor Poor Limited 59 62
Jacyobá Atlético Clube £0 £0 £0 24.52 200 Basic Basic Limited 46 50
Ji-Paraná Futebol Clube £0 £0 £0 26.94 2,500 Below Average Basic Limited 32 34
Joinville Esporte Clube £-3k £0 £0 22.85 3,785 Average Below Average Limited 64 69
Mirassol Futebol Clube £-10k £0 £0 23.68 5,000 Average Adequate Limited 69 72
Moto Club de São Luís £0 £0 £0 29.1 2,392 Below Average Below Average Limited 61 64
Nacional Atlético Clube (PR) £0 £0 £0 24.21 446 Basic Basic Limited 0 0
Nacional Fast Clube £0 £0 £0 27.62 2,000 Adequate Below Average Limited 50 50
Nacional Futebol Clube (AM) £29k £0 £0 25.36 1,567 Below Average Below Average Limited 57 63
Palmas Futebol e Regatas £0 £0 £0 20.58 1,400 Adequate Below Average Limited 58 62
Real Noroeste Capixaba Futebol Clube £0 £0 £0 26.5 300 Poor Poor Limited 60 64
Rio Branco Football Club (AC) £20k £0 £0 27.83 1,350 Average Below Average Limited 31 32
River Atlético Clube (PI) £0 £0 £0 28.29 2,125 Adequate Below Average Limited 59 62
Salgueiro Atlético Clube £0 £0 £0 25.48 1,345 Below Average Basic Limited 65 67
Santos Futebol Clube (AP) £0 £0 £0 30.44 1,500 Below Average Basic Limited 37 39
São Raimundo Esporte Clube (RR) £0 £0 £0 28.33 1,000 Below Average Basic Limited 57 59
Sinop Futebol Clube (MT) £0 £0 £0 24.74 600 Poor Basic Limited 54 59
Sociedade Esportiva do Gama £-700 £0 £0 28.2 3,000 Average Adequate Limited 58 64
Sociedade Esportiva e Recreativa Caxias do Sul £43k £0 £0 27.57 6,150 Adequate Below Average Limited 66 69
Sociedade Esportiva Juventude £0 £0 £0 28.23 356 Poor Poor Limited 60 64
Tocantinópolis Esporte Clube £0 £0 £0 28.65 1,700 Below Average Basic Limited 59 61
Toledo Esporte Clube £0 £0 £0 21.62 1,211 Below Average Below Average Limited 57 62
Tupynambás Futebol Clube £0 £0 £0 26 400 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
União Esporte Clube (MT) £0 £0 £0 28.26 2,000 Below Average Basic Limited 60 63
Vilhenense Esportivo Clube £0 £0 £0 24.69 100 Basic Basic Limited 0 0
Villa Nova Atlético Clube £0 £0 £0 28.15 2,000 Average Below Average Limited 5 6
Vitória Futebol Clube (ES) £0 £0 £0 28.23 1,500 Basic Basic Limited 54 58
Ypiranga Clube £0 £0 £0 26.5 1,500 Adequate Below Average Limited 0 0