This page refers to an older game FM21. View Colombian First Division in all games.

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The Colombian First Division is a league in Football Manager 2021. First Division can be found in Colombia in FM 21. The Colombian First Division is playable in FM2021.

This page describes Colombian First Division in FM21 if you are looking for a Data Update that updates the FM21 Database with updated squads, latest transfers and promotions and relegations then download the FM21 Database Update instead.

Colombian First Division
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Manage in Colombian First Division in Football Manager 2021

Are you looking to manage a team in Colombian First Division in FM21? Why not try finding a random team to manage in Colombian First Division and then share your career in our Careers Section.

Name Balance Budget Wage Avg Age Avg Att Training Newgens Yth Recruitment Rating Potential
Águilas Doradas Rionegro S.A. £476k £39k £0 22.42 2,886 Average Average Limited 72 75
Alianza Petrolera F.C. S.A. £804k £71k £0 24.85 2,857 Average Average Limited 71 74
América de Cali S.A. £7m £349k £0 24.08 23,051 Good Great Limited 73 77
Asociación Deportivo Cali £5m £388k £0 22.56 10,889 Excellent Great Limited 71 75
Asociación Deportivo Pasto £2m £116k £0 24.73 4,667 Adequate Average Limited 71 74
Atlético Nacional S.A. £9m £2m £0 22.79 25,731 Great Great Limited 73 77
Azul y Blanco Millonarios Fútbol Club S. A. £3m £194k £0 22.86 17,040 Great Good Limited 72 76
Club Atlético Bucaramanga S.A. £948k £50k £0 25.25 12,200 Average Average Limited 72 74
Club Deportes Tolima S.A. £3m £155k £0 24.85 4,750 Good Good Limited 73 76
Club Deportivo La Equidad Seguros S.A. £631k £58k £0 23.58 1,477 Average Average Limited 71 74
Club Deportivo Popular Junior F.C. S.A. £7m £776k £0 25.84 17,298 Good Good Limited 74 77
Cúcuta Deportivo F.C. S.A. £-187k £272k £0 23.18 18,667 Good Average Limited 0 0
Deportivo Boyacá Chicó F.C. S.A. £546k £39k £0 24.74 5,000 Average Average Limited 68 71
Deportivo Independiente Medellín S.A. £4m £155k £0 21.76 18,874 Great Good Limited 72 75
Deportivo Pereira S.A. £-200k £0 £0 24.58 6,200 Average Average Limited 69 72
Envigado Fútbol Club S.A. £857k £78k £0 21.48 2,833 Great Excellent Limited 68 74
Independiente Santa Fe S.A. £3m £194k £0 25.39 10,372 Great Good Limited 73 76
Jaguares de Córdoba Fútbol Club S.A. £640k £58k £0 25.8 2,120 Average Average Limited 68 72
Once Caldas S.A. £3m £233k £0 21.48 9,128 Great Good Limited 69 74
Patriotas Boyacá S.A. £573k £43k £0 22.45 5,538 Good Good Limited 70 74