This page refers to an older game FM21. View FC Inter Turku in all games.

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FC Inter Turku are a team in Football Manager 2021. FC Inter play in the Finnish Premier League in Finland in FM 21. FC Inter Turku are a playable team in FM2021. FC Inter play at a stadium called "Kupittaan jalkapallostadion" in Football Manager 21.

FC Inter Turku
Finnish Premier League
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

FC Inter Turku Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by FC Inter Turku will be Adequate

FC Inter Turku Transfers

Looking for players to buy for FC Inter Turku in Football Manager 2021?

This is a guide to managing FC Inter Turku in FM21. If you want to play Football Manager 2021 with an updated FC Inter Turku squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM21 Update which updates the Football Manager 2021 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2021 Data Update you can download.

FC Inter Turku Players in FM21

All FC Inter Turku Players in Football Manager 2021
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Timo Furuholm 32 ST (C) £630 £138k £300m 15-11-2021
Anthony Annan 34 DM, M (C) £630 £58k £640k 15-11-2021
Henrik Moisander 34 GK £560 £66k £300m 15-11-2021
Rick Ketting 24 D (C) £630 £268k £3m 15-11-2021
Kako (Alejandro Sanz) 27 M (C) £588 £234k £515k 31-12-2021
Benjamin Källman 22 AM (R), ST (C) £573 £227k £5m 30-06-2022
Aleksi Paananen 27 DM, M/AM (C) £490 £161k £2m 15-11-2021
Juuso Hämäläinen 26 D (C) £490 £166k £2m 15-11-2021
Martti Haukioja 20 D (LC), WB (L) £447 £130k £4m 15-11-2021
Arttu Hoskonen 23 D (C) £490 £151k £3m 15-11-2021
Matias Ojala 25 D (R), DM, M/AM (C) £419 £148k £1m 15-11-2021
Jesper Engström 28 D (RL), WB (L) £365 £89k £803k 15-11-2021
Lassi Järvenpää 23 D (RC), WB (R) £419 £105k £4m 15-11-2021
Taiki Kagayama 24 AM (C) £419 £123k £780k 15-11-2021
Pibe (Agustín Pastoriza) 24 M (L), AM (LC) £447 £140k £2m 15-11-2021
Juho Hyvärinen 20 D (RL), M (R) £447 £119k £410k 15-11-2021
Noah Nurmi 19 D (C), DM £254 £81k £493k 15-11-2023
Aati Marttinen 22 GK £254 £62k £96k 15-11-2021
Roope Kantola 18 M (C) £0 £1k £79k 15-11-2021
Jasper Yrjas 17 ST (C) £0 £640 £67k 15-11-2022
Markus Arsalo 17 D (C) £0 £405 £201k 15-11-2022
Ryan Mahuta 18 D/M (L) £0 £382 £104k 15-11-2021
Jan Heinonen 18 M (C) £0 £781 £3k 15-11-2021
Yeesser Barbata 18 D (RL) £0 £691 £1k 15-11-2021
Milo Kallio 18 GK £0 £337 £67k 15-11-2021
Mohammed Bakkar 17 ST (C) £0 £602 £48k 15-11-2021

FC Inter Turku Loaned Out Players in FM21

Players out on loan from FC Inter Turku in Football Manager 2021
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Elias Mastokangas 19 AM (C) £399 £121k £175k 15-11-2023
Matias Tamminen 18 ST (C) £254 £74k £364k 15-11-2023

FC Inter Turku Staff in FM21

FC Inter Turku Staff in Football Manager 2021
Name Age Job Wage Expires Rating
José Riveiro 45 Manager (First Team) 30-11-2021
Stefan Håkans 79 Chairman 31-12-2030
Timo Paasolainen 56 Sports Scientist (First Team) 30-11-2022
Sergio Almenara 40 Assistant Manager (First Team) 30-11-2021
Michel Bellver 41 Fitness Coach (First Team) 30-11-2021
Jani Meriläinen 46 Director 30-11-2021
Pasi Hyvätti 59 Managing Director 30-11-2021
Jani Mäenpää 45 Head of Youth Development 30-11-2022
David Moore 44 Physio (First Team) 30-11-2021
Niko Valikainen 30 Manager (U20 Team)
Leroy Maluka 35 Fitness Coach (U20 Team) 30-11-2021
Patrik Håkans 42 Scout 31-12-2030
Anthony Annan 34 Player/Coach (U18 Team) £630 15-11-2021
Lauri Kemppainen 35 Director 30-11-2020
Vesa Mäki 50 Technical Director 30-11-2024
Ville Peltonen 44 Head Physio 30-11-2021
Erol Ates 27 Coach (First Team) 30-11-2021
Juanjo Roa 42 GK Coach (First Team) 30-11-2021
Kari Lehtinen 57 Coach (First Team) 30-11-2021
Kadem Hamidi 61 Coach (First Team)
Tiina Antila 50 Physio (U20 Team)
Ville Törnqvist 35 Physio (U20 Team)
Nina Forsten-Lindman 56 Physio (U20 Team)

FC Inter Turku Peaked Players in FM21

The following players have peaked and will not develop any further in Football Manager 2021
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Timo Furuholm 32 ST (C) £630 £138k £300m 15-11-2021
Aleksi Paananen 27 DM, M/AM (C) £490 £161k £2m 15-11-2021
Jesper Engström 28 D (RL), WB (L) £365 £89k £803k 15-11-2021