This page refers to an older game FM21. View C General Díaz in all games.

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C General Díaz are a team in Football Manager 2021. General Díaz play in the Paraguay First Division Primera División in Paraguay in FM 21. General Díaz play at a stadium called "General Adrián Jara" in Football Manager 21.

C General Díaz
Paraguay First Division Primera División
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

C General Díaz Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by C General Díaz will be Good

C General Díaz Transfers

Looking for players to buy for C General Díaz in Football Manager 2021?

This is a guide to managing C General Díaz in FM21. If you want to play Football Manager 2021 with an updated C General Díaz squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM21 Update which updates the Football Manager 2021 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2021 Data Update you can download.

C General Díaz Players in FM21

All C General Díaz Players in Football Manager 2021
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Richard Prieto 23 M (C), AM (RC) £2k £475k £570k 30-06-2021
Luis Miño 30 DM, M (C) £815 £275k £604k
Roque Cardozo 32 GK £757 £194k £300m
Jorge González 32 WB (L), M (LC) £470 £145k £300m
Leonardo Baima 27 M/AM (L) £2k £451k £993k
Wilson Pittoni 34 DM, M (C) £129 £7k £300m
Diego Doldán 33 ST (C) £208 £67k £300m
Julio Santa Cruz 30 AM (R), ST (C) £417 £239k £263k
Freddy Coronel 31 DM, M (C) £339 £188k £300m
Jorge González 31 GK £129 £53k £47k
Wilfrido Báez 26 M (R), AM (RC), ST (C) £129 £67k £60k
David Valenzuela 24 M (C) £100 £7k £364k
Lenon Farías de Souza Leite 24 AM (RL) £103 £42k £304k
Gustavo Gamarra 19 M (C) £100 £7k £523k
Luis Lezcano 24 D/WB (R) £100 £7k £281k
Jesús Godoy 22 D (C) £100 £2k £461k
Ever Ramírez 22 ST (C) £100 £1k £461k
Fabián Pereira 20 ST (C) £100 £703 £489k
Eduardo Zaracho 21 D (C) £100 £874 £439k
Alcides Scarpellini 21 M (C) £100 £495 £432k
Arnaldo Brunstein 23 AM (RL) £100 £703 £418k
Sergio Ávalos 22 D (C) £100 £1k £389k
Edgar Villalba 19 ST (C) £100 £703 £482k
Francisco Omzi 23 ST (C) £100 £2k £411k
Diego González 25 ST (C) £100 £2k £1k
Carlos Romero 19 AM (R) £100 £3k £468k
Ariel Cattaneo 19 M (C) £100 £667 £489k
Tobías Alonso 20 GK £100 £391 £439k
Luis Aquino 19 M (C) £100 £2k £448k
Leonardo Coronel 20 M (RC) £100 £1k £432k
José Rotela 22 M (C) £100 £667 £389k
Matías Barreto 20 D (C) £100 £632 £396k
Víctor Céspedes 17 ST (C) £100 £627 £450k
Juan Martínez 25 M (RC) £100 £1k £0

C General Díaz Loaned Out Players in FM21

Players out on loan from C General Díaz in Football Manager 2021
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Pablo Meza 23 D (C) £757 £293k £535k
Enrique Borja 25 ST (C) £2k £468k £515k

C General Díaz Staff in FM21

C General Díaz Staff in Football Manager 2021

C General Díaz Peaked Players in FM21

The following players have peaked and will not develop any further in Football Manager 2021
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Leonardo Baima 27 M/AM (L) £2k £451k £993k