This page refers to an older game FM22. View Green Eagles in all games.

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Green Eagles are a team in Football Manager 2022. Green Eagles play in the Zambian Premier League in Zambia in FM 22. Green Eagles play at a stadium called "Choma Stadium" in Football Manager 22.

Green Eagles
Zambian Premier League
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

Green Eagles Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Green Eagles will be Poor

Green Eagles Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Green Eagles in Football Manager 2022?

This is a guide to managing Green Eagles in FM22. If you want to play Football Manager 2022 with an updated Green Eagles squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM22 Update which updates the Football Manager 2022 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2022 Data Update you can download.

Green Eagles Players in FM22

All Green Eagles Players in Football Manager 2022
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Ernest Mbewe 26 AM R £100 £15k £1k
Lineker (Lineker Mwikisa) 34 ST £100 £1k £90 30-08-2021
Amity Shamende 27 AM R £100 £10k £730
Mwansa Nsofwa 25 AM L £100 £9k £610
Caesar Hakaluba 29 DM £100 £7k £470
Collins Mulenga 27 D/WB L £100 £9k £590
Hosea Silwimba 30 AM C £100 £7k £470
Simon Mulenga 28 ST £100 £9k £640
Alex Mwamba 26 D C £100 £6k £380
Joseph Kanema 27 ST £100 £7k £490
Shadreck Mulungwe 27 AM RLC £100 £8k £550
Venacious Mapande 30 ST £100 £8k £510
Morgan Kanjolo 34 D C £100 £0 £0
Michael Mwenya 34 D LC £100 £1k £70
Jimmy Nakena 26 D/WB R £100 £5k £310
Kenneth Mwanga 29 GK £100 £5k £320
Emmanuel Mwaba 30 ST £100 £7k £440
Chikondi Njobvu 20 D C £100 £5k £360
Waren Kaunda 33 D C £100 £2k £140
Muma Mumba 19 M C £100 £5k £360
George Chaloba 23 AM C £100 £7k £450
Justin Munyikwa 27 GK £100 £4k £290
Kenneth Mwaanga 29 GK £100 £5k £320
Reagan Simango 28 GK £100 £4k £280
Emmanuel Mukosha 20 AM R £100 £6k £370
Boniface Sunzu 27 D C £100 £5k £360
Derrick Bulaya 18 AM R, ST £100 £10k £18k 01-11-2024
Samson Manyepa 25 D C £100 £4k £270
Andrew Kwiliko 34 D C £100 £1k £70 30-06-2020
Clive Njavela 17 AM RL £100 £6k £390
Chipanama Godwin 22 DM £100 £4k £280
Elvis Lumbwe 17 AM RL £100 £5k £280 01-07-2025
Adamson Mulao 32 ST £100 £2k £130

Green Eagles Loaned Out Players in FM22

Players out on loan from Green Eagles in Football Manager 2022
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Spencer Sautu 26 AM RL £100 £14k £1k 30-06-2022
Lazarous Phiri 25 AM RL £100 £11k £720

Green Eagles Staff in FM22

Green Eagles Staff in Football Manager 2022
Name Age Job Wage Expires Rating
Aggrey Chiyangi 57 Coach (First Team) £30

Green Eagles Peaked Players in FM22

The following players have peaked and will not develop any further in Football Manager 2022
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Andrew Kwiliko 34 D C £100 £1k £70 30-06-2020