This page refers to an older game FM22. View Matchedje de Mocuba in all games.

Matchedje de Mocuba are a team in Football Manager 2022. Matchedje de Mocuba play in the Mozambican Premier Division in Mozambique in FM 22. Matchedje de Mocuba play at a stadium called "Campo Migre Pires de Mocuba" in Football Manager 22.

Matchedje de Mocuba
Mozambican Premier Division
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Fairly Basic
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

Matchedje de Mocuba Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Matchedje de Mocuba will be Basic

Matchedje de Mocuba Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Matchedje de Mocuba in Football Manager 2022?

This is a guide to managing Matchedje de Mocuba in FM22. If you want to play Football Manager 2022 with an updated Matchedje de Mocuba squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM22 Update which updates the Football Manager 2022 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2022 Data Update you can download.

Matchedje de Mocuba Players in FM22

All Matchedje de Mocuba Players in Football Manager 2022
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Nando (Fernando César) 36 M C £20 £4k £240 30-11-2021
Mamo (Mamo Saide) 27 AM R £30 £36k £2k 30-11-2021
Obel (Abreu Nharapata) 29 D L £20 £31k £2k 30-11-2021
Kalanga (José Nhambinde) 32 D C, DM £20 £16k £1k 30-11-2021
Siaca (Rabine Siaca) 25 ST £30 £31k £2k 30-11-2021
Sassi (Francisco Nhamusse) 29 M C £30 £30k £2k 30-11-2021
Billy (Joaquim Nhantumbo) 29 D L £30 £25k £2k 30-11-2021
Mundinho (Raimundo Manhique) 28 DM £30 £30k £2k 30-11-2021
Passe (Arnaldo Caminho) 25 D C £30 £26k £2k 30-11-2021
Stam (Stambo Nhatave) 28 M C £20 £30k £2k 30-11-2021
Tinho (Agostinho Nobre Júnior) 29 AM R £20 £27k £2k 30-11-2021
Onélio (Onélio Arnaut) 32 AM R £20 £15k £930 30-11-2021
Beto (Alberto Massirva) 30 D C £20 £18k £1k 30-11-2021
Agy (Agy Mussa) 28 D C £20 £23k £1k 30-11-2021
Limão (Bernardo Bondesse) 22 D/WB R, DM £20 £22k £1k 30-11-2021
Horácio Custolo 32 GK £20 £13k £860 30-11-2021
Guido Manuel 29 M C £20 £22k £1k 30-11-2021
Thery (Luís Nhabomba) 28 D C £20 £17k £1k 30-11-2021
Joaquim (Joaquim Joaquim) 26 D L £30 £16k £1k 30-11-2021
Eurico (Eurico Machute) 31 M C £20 £11k £670 30-11-2021
Félix (Félix Félix) 28 D/WB/M L £30 £15k £930 30-11-2021
Victor Mate 27 ST £20 £17k £1k 30-11-2021
Johane Bede 19 GK £10 £13k £820 30-11-2021
Salvador Sinate 24 DM £20 £16k £1k 30-11-2021
Chababe Luís 31 DM £20 £13k £820 30-11-2021
Josito Amundulai 22 AM L £20 £16k £1k 30-11-2021
Tuarique Juma 20 ST £30 £17k £1k 30-11-2021
Cherife Saraiva 27 ST £30 £17k £1k 30-11-2021
Beto (Alberto Mandunde) 25 GK £20 £12k £760 30-11-2021
Paulino Bitone 26 GK £20 £12k £760 30-11-2021

Matchedje de Mocuba Staff in FM22

Matchedje de Mocuba Staff in Football Manager 2022
Name Age Job Wage Expires Rating
Nacir Armando 59 Manager (First Team) £0 30-11-2022
Victor Muchenga 52 Assistant Manager (First Team) £40 30-11-2022
Lito Barroso (Carlos Barroso) 37 Coach (First Team) £20 30-11-2022

Matchedje de Mocuba Peaked Players in FM22

The following players have peaked and will not develop any further in Football Manager 2022
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Onélio (Onélio Arnaut) 32 AM R £20 £15k £930 30-11-2021
Nando (Fernando César) 36 M C £20 £4k £240 30-11-2021
Kalanga (José Nhambinde) 32 D C, DM £20 £16k £1k 30-11-2021
Beto (Alberto Massirva) 30 D C £20 £18k £1k 30-11-2021