This page refers to an older game FM22. View Luzzara in all games.

Luzzara are a team in Football Manager 2022. Luzzara play in the Italian Promozione Emilia-Romagna Grp.B in Italy in FM 22. Luzzara play at a stadium called "Walter Compagnoni" in Football Manager 22.

Italian Promozione Emilia-Romagna Grp.B
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

Luzzara Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Luzzara will be Poor

Luzzara Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Luzzara in Football Manager 2022?

This is a guide to managing Luzzara in FM22. If you want to play Football Manager 2022 with an updated Luzzara squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM22 Update which updates the Football Manager 2022 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2022 Data Update you can download.

Luzzara Players in FM22

All Luzzara Players in Football Manager 2022
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Edoardo Rossi 29 D C £0 £0 £0 30-06-2022
Remo Basso 26 M LC £0 £0 £0 30-06-2022
Giuseppe Aracri 24 AM RC, F C £0 £0 £0 30-06-2022
Alessandro Beccaria 33 AM L, ST £0 £0 £0 30-06-2022
Cristian Bianchi 27 DM, M RLC £0 £0 £0 30-06-2022
Luca Toniato 26 DM £0 £0 £0 30-06-2022
Matteo Dall'Asta 18 DM £0 £0 £0 30-06-2028
Franco Pappalardo 29 D C £0 £0 £0 30-06-2022
Federico Mazzali 25 GK £0 £0 £0 30-06-2022
Davide Bellini 24 D C £0 £0 £0 30-06-2022
Simone Lucano 22 D/WB/M R £0 £0 £0 30-06-2022
Michael Meneghinello 25 D R £0 £0 £0 30-06-2022
Nicolò Gianferrari 33 ST £0 £0 £0 30-06-2022
Federico Carlini 31 DM £0 £0 £0 30-06-2022
Iuri Nese 32 D L £0 £0 £0 30-06-2022
Roberto Daolio 31 DM £0 £0 £0 30-06-2022
Alessandro Fantini 30 GK £0 £0 £0 30-06-2022
Sergio Perini 23 AM L, ST £0 £0 £0 30-06-2022
Nicolò Parmiggiani 22 DM £0 £0 £0 30-06-2022
Vincenzo Tenaglia 24 ST £0 £0 £0 30-06-2022
Davide Azzi 23 D L £0 £0 £0 30-06-2022
Gianluca Michelini 27 M RC £0 £0 £0 30-06-2022
Luigi Nunziata 23 ST £0 £0 £0 30-06-2022
Marco Curini 24 D LC £0 £0 £0 30-06-2022

Luzzara Staff in FM22

Luzzara Staff in Football Manager 2022
Name Age Job Wage Expires Rating
Stefano Dall'Asta 53 Manager (First Team) £0 30-06-2022
Valerio Orlandini 56 GK Coach (First Team) £0 30-06-2022
Marco Manini 51 Managing Director £0 30-06-2022
Giovanni Meneghinello 53 Managing Director £0 30-06-2022
Dante Bosi 57 Director £0 30-06-2022
Mirko Mattei 54 Assistant Manager (First Team) £0 30-06-2022
Aldo Michelini 52 Head of Youth Development £0 30-06-2022
Almo Volteggiatori 60 Director £0 30-06-2022
Diego Calderoni 34 Director of Football £0 30-06-2022
Davide Bernardelli 28 Assistant Manager (U20 Team) £0 30-06-2022
Mattia Ferrarini 43 Manager (U20 Team) £0 30-06-2022