This page refers to an older game FM23. View Vanarama National League North in all games.

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The Vanarama National League North is a league in Football Manager 2023. Vanarama North can be found in England in FM 23. The Vanarama National League North is playable in FM2023.

This page describes Vanarama National League North in FM23 if you are looking for a Data Update that updates the FM23 Database with updated squads, latest transfers and promotions and relegations then download the FM23 Database Update instead.

Vanarama National League North
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Manage in Vanarama National League North in Football Manager 2023

Are you looking to manage a team in Vanarama National League North in FM23? Why not try finding a random team to manage in Vanarama National League North and then share your career in our Careers Section.

Name Balance Budget Wage Avg Age Avg Att Training Newgens Yth Recruitment Rating Potential
AFC Telford £37k £0 £0 25.81 1,305 Good Adequate Fairly Basic 55 61
Alfreton £0 £0 £0 25.68 537 Good Basic Fairly Basic 56 63
Banbury £0 £0 £0 24.89 1,124 Poor Poor Basic 53 59
Blyth £8k £0 £0 22.72 742 Average Below Average Basic 56 62
Boston Utd £21k £0 £0 24.42 1,667 Good Average Adequate 57 64
Brackley £-11k £0 £0 26.73 706 Basic Basic Basic 56 61
Bradford (PA) £0 £0 £0 24.05 488 Basic Basic Basic 55 61
Buxton £12k £0 £0 25.64 763 Poor Poor Basic 57 63
Chester £-11k £0 £0 20.97 1,690 Adequate Below Average Fairly Basic 57 65
Chorley £0 £0 £0 23.9 1,179 Poor Below Average Fairly Basic 56 64
Curzon Ashton £0 £0 £0 27.44 342 Average Below Average Fairly Basic 55 58
Darlington £19k £0 £0 25.23 1,492 Basic Basic Basic 57 64
Farsley £0 £0 £0 26.65 629 Poor Basic Basic 54 60
Fylde £33k £0 £0 25.22 1,141 Average Adequate Fairly Basic 60 66
Gloucester £0 £0 £0 24.38 1,193 Average Adequate Adequate 56 63
Hereford £0 £0 £0 23.41 2,070 Adequate Poor Limited 55 61
Kettering £-10k £0 £0 22.67 781 Adequate Below Average Adequate 53 60
Kidderminster £0 £0 £0 21.15 2,139 Poor Poor Basic 58 64
King's Lynn £18k £0 £0 23.07 1,170 Poor Below Average Fairly Basic 59 66
Leamington £-11k £0 £0 26.15 594 Poor Basic Basic 54 59
Peterborough Sports £-10k £0 £0 26 455 Poor Poor Limited 55 61
Scarborough Athletic £20k £0 £0 25.5 1,624 Below Average Basic Basic 57 63
Southport £13k £0 £0 24.05 981 Basic Basic Basic 55 62
Spennymoor £23k £0 £0 21.8 1,420 Basic Basic Basic 57 64