This page refers to an older game FM18. View Vanarama National League North in all games.

The Vanarama National League North is a league in Football Manager 2018. Vanarama North can be found in England in FM 18. The Vanarama National League North is playable in FM2018.

This page describes Vanarama National League North in FM18 if you are looking for a Data Update that updates the FM18 Database with updated squads, latest transfers and promotions and relegations then download the FM18 Database Update instead.

Vanarama National League North
Total Teams
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Manage in Vanarama National League North in Football Manager 2018

Are you looking to manage a team in Vanarama National League North in FM18? Why not try finding a random team to manage in Vanarama National League North and then share your career in our Careers Section.

Name Balance Budget Wage Avg Age Avg Att Training Newgens Yth Recruitment Rating Potential
AFC Telford United £100k £500 1,191 Average Below Average Limited 52 59
Alfreton Town £100k £10k £250 547 Good Poor Limited 53 57
Blyth Spartans £95k £5k £400 800 Basic Poor Limited 53 58
Boston United £20k £5k £2k 1,115 Average Adequate Limited 50 56
Brackley Town £15k £150 427 Poor Poor Limited 53 57
Bradford Park Avenue £20k £1 £150 454 Poor Poor Limited 52 55
Chorley £25k £1 £150 1,405 Poor Poor Limited 53 58
Curzon Ashton £15k £1 £200 405 Below Average Poor Limited 50 56
Darlington £75k £5k £250 1,793 Poor Poor Limited 52 57
FC United of Manchester £14k 2,668 Poor Poor Limited 49 53
Gainsborough Trinity £50k £1 £400 610 Poor Poor Limited 50 54
Harrogate Town £50k £6k £250 905 Below Average Below Average Limited 54 59
Kidderminster Harriers £125k 1,763 Poor Poor Limited 54 62
Leamington £5k £1 £150 488 Poor Poor Limited 50 53
North Ferriby United £175k £50k £9k 446 Below Average Poor Limited 45 52
Nuneaton Town £4k 619 Basic Basic Limited 52 58
Salford City £150k £8k £500 1,777 Poor Basic Limited 54 61
Southport £50k £8k £500 1,133 Basic Poor Limited 54 60
Spennymoor Town £8k £1 £250 473 Poor Poor Limited 50 56
Stockport County £-15k £1 £500 3,477 Good Below Average Limited 53 56
Tamworth £10k £1 £1 841 Below Average Poor Limited 50 55
York City £20k £5k £850 2,570 Good Below Average Limited 58 63