This page refers to an older game FM23. View Lannion FC in all games.

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Lannion FC are a team in Football Manager 2023. Lannion FC play in the French National 3 - Bretagne in France in FM 23. Lannion FC play at a stadium called "Stade René Guillou" in Football Manager 23.

Lannion FC
French National 3 - Bretagne
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

Lannion FC Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Lannion FC will be Poor

Lannion FC Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Lannion FC in Football Manager 2023?

This is a guide to managing Lannion FC in FM23. If you want to play Football Manager 2023 with an updated Lannion FC squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM23 Update which updates the Football Manager 2023 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2023 Data Update you can download.

Lannion FC Players in FM23

All Lannion FC Players in Football Manager 2023
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Karim Achahbar 26 ST £280 £43k £3k 30-06-2023
Damien Boisvilliers 28 D RC, DM £210 £25k £2k 30-06-2023
Junior Vidot 30 DM £230 £25k £2k 30-06-2023
Steve Devaux 27 AM L £220 £29k £2k 30-06-2023
Romain Le Méhauté 24 AM C £190 £23k £2k 30-06-2023
Florian Kerger 31 D LC £210 £18k £1k 30-06-2023
Antoine Guiziou 26 D RC £200 £22k £1k 30-06-2023
Thibaut Le Danvezet 23 D LC £220 £26k £2k 30-06-2023
Antoine Nugent 20 M C £150 £16k £980 30-06-2023
Julien Le Bourdoulous 20 AM L, ST £140 £16k £1k 30-06-2023
Florian Piolot 36 GK £130 £1k £60 30-06-2023
Tom Jan 22 AM R, ST £140 £13k £840 30-06-2023
Baptiste Davaï 20 GK £160 £12k £760 30-06-2023
Hugo Julien 19 D/WB L £140 £13k £790 30-06-2023
Maxime David 21 AM L, ST £140 £13k £800 30-06-2023
Louka Morin 20 ST £140 £15k £930 30-06-2023
Jocelyn Paul 21 D C £120 £12k £730 30-06-2023
Alexandre Normand 23 AM R, ST £110 £11k £690 30-06-2023
Arnaud Mauve 18 D L £40 £13k £800 30-06-2023
Thomas Nédélec 21 M C £100 £11k £690 30-06-2023
Mewan Le Bonniec 19 ST £90 £11k £680 30-06-2023
Enzo Le Dantec 18 GK £40 £9k £520 30-06-2023
Alexis Abalam 18 DM £60 £8k £500 30-06-2023

Lannion FC Staff in FM23

Lannion FC Staff in Football Manager 2023
Name Age Job Wage Expires Rating
Philippe Cousyn 71 Chairman £0
Rémy Le Bourdoulous 55 Manager (First Team) £0
Vincent Courcoux 55 Head Physio £170
Gilles Davaï 46 Assistant Manager (First Team) £350