This page refers to an older game FM24. View FC Rosengård in all games.

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FC Rosengård are a team in Football Manager 2024. FC Rosengård play in the Swedish Second Division South Götaland in Sweden in FM 24. FC Rosengård are a playable team in FM2024. FC Rosengård play at a stadium called "Rosengårds IP" in Football Manager 24.

FC Rosengård
Swedish Second Division South Götaland
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

FC Rosengård Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by FC Rosengård will be Poor

FC Rosengård Transfers

Looking for players to buy for FC Rosengård in Football Manager 2024?

This is a guide to managing FC Rosengård in FM24. If you want to play Football Manager 2024 with an updated FC Rosengård squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM24 Update which updates the Football Manager 2024 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2024 Data Update you can download.

FC Rosengård Players in FM24

All FC Rosengård Players in Football Manager 2024
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Samuel Fröjdh 23 D LC £180 £8k £570
Granit Stagova 26 DM £140 £5k £340
Emmanuel Igbonekwu 21 D/WB R, AM RL £110 £11k £760 31-12-2025
Dylan Kosik Sulaiman 29 AM LC, F C £180 £10k £640 31-12-2024
Hannes Cederholm 27 D RC £250 £3k £190
Adam Olofsson 29 D C, DM £140 £3k £170
Gustaf Backaliden 25 AM C £140 £8k £510 31-12-2024
Emil Grimbe 29 D C, DM £140 £8k £510 31-12-2024
Totte Holmkvist 20 D/WB R £110 £2k £150
Alexis Bbakka 27 ST £180 £2k £160
Ian Pettersson 20 GK £220 £5k £300 31-12-2024
Ajdin Avdić 20 AM RL £40 £5k £310 31-12-2024
Ardian Berisha 25 ST £40 £1k £90
Mustafa Owaid 22 D/M RL £70 £4k £220 31-12-2025
Jesper Andersson 24 GK £40 £3k £170
Emil Johansson 23 ST £110 £4k £220
Hamid Abdulla 22 AM RLC £40 £4k £220 31-12-2024
Sidney Bernasko-Appu 24 AM R, ST £40 £3k £190
Elias-Ramin Karimi 21 AM RL, ST £110 £4k £200 31-12-2025
Filston Mawana 23 ST £180 £3k £180
Paulinus Dorzia 30 GK £40 £1k £470
Jonathan Roos 25 D C £40 £1k £540
Lucas Alm 23 AM RL, ST £110 £0 £0 31-12-2024
Melker Carlsson 19 D C, DM £40 £2k £140
Liam Raic 17 DM £40 £2k £140
Sanin Aljukic 17 D C £40 £2k £110
Isak Olsson 22 D RC £40 £0 £0
Fabian Petersson 22 D C £70 £0 £0
Alexander Anevski 18 D L £40 £0 £0
Sean James 19 D C £40 £0 £0

FC Rosengård Staff in FM24

FC Rosengård Staff in Football Manager 2024
Name Age Job Wage Expires Rating
Håkan Wifvesson 60 Chairman £0
Halda Kabil 50 Manager (First Team) £0 31-12-2024
Sandro Nalić 31 Assistant Manager (First Team) £140 31-12-2024
William Ndziba 48 Coach (First Team) £110

FC Rosengård Peaked Players in FM24

The following players have peaked and will not develop any further in Football Manager 2024
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Jonathan Roos 25 D C £40 £1k £540
Emil Grimbe 29 D C, DM £140 £8k £510 31-12-2024