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The Bölgesel Amatör Lig 4. Grup is a league in Football Manager 2024/25. BAL 4. Grup can be found in Türkiye in FM 24/25 Update.

This page describes Bölgesel Amatör Lig 4. Grup in FM24/25 Update if you are looking for a Data Update that updates the FM24/25 Update Database with updated squads, latest transfers and promotions and relegations then download the FM24/25 Update Database Update instead.

Bölgesel Amatör Lig 4. Grup
Total Teams
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Manage in Bölgesel Amatör Lig 4. Grup in Football Manager 2024/25

Are you looking to manage a team in Bölgesel Amatör Lig 4. Grup in FM24/25 Update? Why not try finding a random team to manage in Bölgesel Amatör Lig 4. Grup and then share your career in our Careers Section.

Name Balance Budget Wage Avg Age Avg Att Training Newgens Yth Recruitment Rating Potential
Alaçatıspor Kulübü £0 £0 £0 30.5 150 Poor Poor Limited 11 11
Asarlık Gençlik ve Spor £0 £0 £0 25.5 100 Poor Poor Limited 10 10
Bayındırspor £0 £0 £0 22 150 Poor Poor Limited 4 5
Belediye Bolvadin Termal Spor £0 £0 £0 150 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Bilecik 1969 Spor Kulübü £0 £0 £0 150 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Çeşme Belediyespor £0 £0 £0 32 150 Basic Poor Limited 32 33
Emirdağspor £0 £0 £0 150 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
İzmirspor £0 £0 £0 30.5 850 Basic Basic Limited 54 57
Kütahya Özel İdare Köy Hizmetlerispor £0 £0 £0 150 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Manisa 1965 Spor Kulübü £0 £0 £0 24.82 150 Basic Poor Limited 58 63
Tavşanlı Tepecik Spor £0 £0 £0 22.71 100 Poor Poor Limited 34 39
Tire 2021 Futbol Kulübü £260k £0 £0 26.39 100 Poor Poor Limited 61 66
Türkiye Kömür İşl. Tavşanlı Linyitspor £0 £0 £0 27.88 750 Basic Poor Limited 41 44
Yıldız Spor 45 Futbol Kulübü £0 £0 £0 100 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Yunus Emre Belediye Spor £0 £0 £0 150 Basic Poor Limited 0 0