FM24 Data Update

Football Manager Transfer Update for FM2024 with Latest Transfers and Updated Leagues for FM24 including Promotions, Relegations, January Winter Transfer Window and Summer Transfer Window. Our FM 24 Data Update is the biggest Football Manager Update with hundreds of contributors and you can get involved and submit transfers yourself. Every real life transfer can be added to FM 2024 with our Collaborative FM24 Editor, what are you waiting for? Get editing!

  • Updated 26 Apr 2024
  • 9,252 Changes
  • 137 Contributors
  • FM24.3
6 Hana 1Q K LEAGUE 1 - Football Manager Data Update Changes
Korean FA Cup - Football Manager Data Update Changes
2 Hana 1Q K LEAGUE 2 - Football Manager Data Update Changes
South Korea League Cup - Football Manager Data Update Changes
South Korea Super Cup - Football Manager Data Update Changes
South Korea All-Star Cup - Football Manager Data Update Changes
Korean K3 League - Football Manager Data Update Changes
South Korea National League - Football Manager Data Update Changes
Hana 1Q K LEAGUE Reserve Group A - Football Manager Data Update Changes
Hana 1Q K LEAGUE Reserve Group B - Football Manager Data Update Changes
Hana 1Q K LEAGUE Reserve - Football Manager Data Update Changes
South Korea National League Cup - Football Manager Data Update Changes
Korean K4 League - Football Manager Data Update Changes
South Korea President Cup - Football Manager Data Update Changes
Korean Amateur League - Football Manager Data Update Changes
Korean U League - Football Manager Data Update Changes
Hana 1Q K LEAGUE Reserve Group C - Football Manager Data Update Changes
Korean K5 Gangwon-do League - Football Manager Data Update Changes
Korean K5 League - Football Manager Data Update Changes
Korean K5 Gyeonggi Region League - Football Manager Data Update Changes
Korean K5 Ulsan Metropolitan City Region League - Football Manager Data Update Changes
Korean K5 Incheon Region League - Football Manager Data Update Changes
Korean K5 Gyeongbuk-Daegu League - Football Manager Data Update Changes
Korean K5 Daejeon Region League - Football Manager Data Update Changes
Korean K5 Jeollabuk-do League - Football Manager Data Update Changes
Korean K5 Chungbuk Region League - Football Manager Data Update Changes
Korean K5 Gwangju-Jeonnam Region League - Football Manager Data Update Changes
Korean K5 Gyeongnam-Busan Region League - Football Manager Data Update Changes
Korean K5 Seoul Region League - Football Manager Data Update Changes
Korean K5 Championship - Football Manager Data Update Changes
Korean High School League (KleagueJunior A) - Football Manager Data Update Changes
Korean High School League - Football Manager Data Update Changes
Korean High School League (KleagueJunior B) - Football Manager Data Update Changes
South Korea K League Junior - Football Manager Data Update Changes
Andreas Herzog
Andreas Köpke
Cha Du-Ri
Hwang Sun-Hong
Kim Il-Jin
Kim Tae-Min
Kim Tae-MinKim Tae-Min has joined South KoreaSouth KoreaKim Tae-MinKim Tae-Min now has a role as Assistant Manager U20 Team.
Lee Chang-Hyun
Lee Jae-Hong
Min Dong-Sung
Myung Jae-Yong
Paolo Stringara
Werner Leuthard