FM24 Data Update
Football Manager Transfer Update for FM2024 with Latest Transfers and Updated Leagues for FM24 including Promotions, Relegations, January Winter Transfer Window and Summer Transfer Window. Our FM 24 Data Update is the biggest Football Manager Update with hundreds of contributors and you can get involved and submit transfers yourself. Every real life transfer can be added to FM 2024 with our Collaborative FM24 Editor, what are you waiting for? Get editing!
- Updated 18 Feb 2025
- 105,165 Changes
- 586 Contributors
- FM24.3
You are viewing changes for an older version of Football Manager (Version 15.3) which is no longer supported by our data update.
This page is here as a historical reference only.
Just an observation here for the live update I see some loans are being extended for players to cover real life events.
However this is pointless IMO as the game wont replicate real life in extending the season due to covid, the leagues will finish as normal on their due date.
so in effect players will stay on loan after the end of season/ holiday period with clubs paying unnecessary wages/fees etc so there is no point, and if we are talking lower leagues it can have a bearing on their finances etc
so extending a loan like this is pointless just leave him on loan until its due date to finish
@Jay Brockie what are your feelings as its going to save the countless submissions being approved re this as in effect its just wasting your time doing them mate
Spot on mate we would be here all day extending everybody’s loan deals
there is a problem. Boateng is still in Fiorentina. Boateng is an important player of Beşiktaş
Just an observation here for the live update I see some loans are being extended for players to cover real life events.
However this is pointless IMO as the game wont replicate real life in extending the season due to covid, the leagues will finish as normal on their due date.
so in effect players will stay on loan after the end of season/ holiday period with clubs paying unnecessary wages/fees etc so there is no point, and if we are talking lower leagues it can have a bearing on their finances etc
so extending a loan like this is pointless just leave him on loan until its due date to finish
@Jay Brockie what are your feelings as its going to save the countless submissions being approved re this as in effect its just wasting your time doing them mate
can you fix it? For loan in Beşiktaş
LOOOOOL as you can see...
Please only do official changes
ok but it's not my fault if all was ok, contract, deal and so on...and the problem was only the medical tests, it's cause of that the deal didn't work, but it's a very rare case
As I stated earlier, please only do oficial and confirmed changes!!!
![Kevin-Prince Boateng](
![Kevin-Prince Boateng](
more than official, boateng just arrive in lisbon
LOOOOOL as you can see...
Please only do official changes
Not official
more than official, boateng just arrive in lisbon
![Kevin-Prince Boateng](
![Sporting (POR)](
![Kevin-Prince Boateng](
![Kevin-Prince Boateng](
yes agreed the data update team do a great job as it is, but extending loans is just pointless, I dont think some users seem to get it, and keep adding these submissions ,they seem to think that the game will magically extend the 19/20 season to morph real life