FM24 Data Update

Football Manager Transfer Update for FM2024 with Latest Transfers and Updated Leagues for FM24 including Promotions, Relegations, January Winter Transfer Window and Summer Transfer Window. Our FM 24 Data Update is the biggest Football Manager Update with hundreds of contributors and you can get involved and submit transfers yourself. Every real life transfer can be added to FM 2024 with our Collaborative FM24 Editor, what are you waiting for? Get editing!

  • Updated 25 Apr 2024
  • 9,152 Changes
  • 136 Contributors
  • FM24.3
Alejandro Chalarca
Aly Palacios
Andrés Cadavid
Andrés Jiménez
Andrés Orozco
Andrés Saldarriaga
Andrés Tovar
Bayron Garcés
Carles Vidal
Carlos Paternina
Carlos Torres
Cesar Rubio
Daniel Arcila
Daniel Melo
Daniel Zapata
David García
Dayron Pérez
Deybit Quintero
Didier Palacios
Diego Trujillo
Duván Mesa
Edison López
Edwin Ramírez
Emanuel Londoño
Felipe Jaramillo
Felipe Parra
Felipe Russell
Felipe Valencia
Félix Charrupí
Geindry Cuervo
Gerardo Vallejos
Heiler Mosquera
Hildebrando Castaño
Jackson Jaramillo
Jafeth Orejuéla
Jairo Santamaría
Jerónimo Ramírez
John Jairo Hernández
Jorge Betancur
Josep Mejía
Jostin Ángel
Juan Andrés Acevedo
Juan Andrés Quintero
Juan Carlos Grisales
Juan David Bonilla
Juan David Ramírez
Juan Esteban Abello
Juan Felipe Holguín
Juan Felipe Villa
Juan Manuel Cuesta
Juan Manuel Potes
Juan Pablo Aristizábal
Juan Pablo Gómez
Juan Pablo Martínez
Julián Palacios
Julián Reyes
Julián Yepes
Kennyer Montoya
Kevin Aponzá
Kevin Tamayo
Leider Pacheco
Luis Ángel Díaz
Luis Palomino
Luis Zapata
Luyz Caicedo
Manuel Lopera
Manuel Valero
Mario Guzmán
Neymar Uribe
Oscar Guerrero
Pablo Álvarez
Piter López
Ramiro Ruíz
Sandra Barrera
Santiago Asprilla
Santiago Giraldo
Santiago Noreña
Sebastián Duque
Sergio Arrieta
Simón Torres
Steven Giraldo
Tomás Maya
Tomás Soto
Wilberth Perea
William Hurtado
Yeiler Mosquera
Yeison Moreno
Yhonny Ramírez
Yilmar Celedón
Yilson Mosquera
Yunior Roldán