FM24 Data Update

Football Manager Transfer Update for FM2024 with Latest Transfers and Updated Leagues for FM24 including Promotions, Relegations, January Winter Transfer Window and Summer Transfer Window. Our FM 24 Data Update is the biggest Football Manager Update with hundreds of contributors and you can get involved and submit transfers yourself. Every real life transfer can be added to FM 2024 with our Collaborative FM24 Editor, what are you waiting for? Get editing!

  • Updated 24 Apr 2024
  • 8,798 Changes
  • 135 Contributors
  • FM24.3
Alan Mozo
Alan Rivera
Alejandro Ramírez
Amaury Vergara
André Ham
Andrew Martinez
Antonio Briseño
Antonio Herrera
Ariel Castro
Ariel de la Rosa
Armando González
Axel Leyva
Cade Cowell
Carlos Cisneros
Carlos Corona
Daniel Flores
David Nungaray
Diego Cogliandro
Diego Delgadillo
Diego Martínez
Diego Modesto
Édgar Capetillo
Edgar Gutiérrez
Eduardo Gorgonio
Eduardo Ochoa
Eduardo Torres
Emilio Tame
Érick Gutiérrez
Erick Montiel
Ever Corona
Fabricio Coloccini
Federico Insúa
Felipe de Jesús Robles
Felipe Peña
Fernando Beltrán
Fernando Gago
Fernando González
Fernando Hierro
Fernando Piña
Francisco Méndez
Gerard Piniés
Gibran Ortiz
Gilberto Sepúlveda
Gustavo Sedano
Hugo Camberos
Isaac Brizuela
Isaac Martínez
Ismael Angulo
Jaime Castillo
Javier Guerrero
Javier Mier
Jesús Orozco Chiquete
Jesús Sánchez
Joaquín Moreno
José Antonio López
José Castillo
José Juan Macías
José Meléndez
José Rangel
José Trejo
Juan Brígido
Juan Carlos Martínez
Juan Manuel Navarrete
Juan Zavala
Luis Alberto Mercado
Luis Felipe Peña
Luis Gómez
Mariano Varela
Miguel Jiménez
Óscar Whalley
Pável Pérez
Rafael Ortega
Raúl Martínez
Ricardo Marín
Roberto Alvarado
Roberto Luzzi
Ronaldo Cisneros
Sebastián Esparza
Sergio Pinto
Víctor Guzmán
Víctor Hugo Hernández
Vinicio Guerrero
Yael Padilla