FM24 Data Update

Football Manager Transfer Update for FM2024 with Latest Transfers and Updated Leagues for FM24 including Promotions, Relegations, January Winter Transfer Window and Summer Transfer Window. Our FM 24 Data Update is the biggest Football Manager Update with hundreds of contributors and you can get involved and submit transfers yourself. Every real life transfer can be added to FM 2024 with our Collaborative FM24 Editor, what are you waiting for? Get editing!

  • Updated 19 Apr 2024
  • 8,118 Changes
  • 127 Contributors
  • FM24.3
Alan Torres
Alejandro Morales
Alfonso González
Ángel Corrales
Ángel Jordán
Armando Saucedo
Axel Grijalva
Brandon Vázquez
Carlos Frayde
César Bustos
César Garza
César Ramos
Christian Franco
Diego Escamilla
Diego García
Dimas Barreda
Edson Gutiérrez
Eliseo Aceves
Eliud Contreras
Erick Aguirre
Erick Carballo
Erick Valdez
Esteban Andrada
Esteban Landazábal
Fabián Donelli
Fernando Ortiz
Francisco García
Francisco Valenzuela
George Brown
Gerardo Arteaga
Germán Berterame
Hector Lara
Héctor Moreno
Hugo Castillo
Hugo Saucedo
Iker Fimbres
Isaác González
Isidro Suárez
Ismael Castillo
Jaziel Martínez
Jesús Corona
Jesús Gallardo
Jesús Leal
Joaquín Moxica
Joel Domínguez
Jofran Salazar
Jonathan González
Jordi Cortizo
Jorge Rodríguez
José Javier Barrera
José Luis Cárdenas
José Muro
Jose Obregón
José Treviño
José Urías
Juan Carlos Márquez
Juan Pablo Faudoa
Juan Pablo Rodríguez
Kevin Cuneo
Leonardo Alvarez
Luis Alberto Cárdenas
Luis Basulto
Luis Rocha
Luis Romo
Manuel Filizola
Mario Cota
Maximiliano Meza
Neri Cardozo
Nicolás Martelotto
Nicolás Sánchez
Omar Govea
Óscar Soto
Paolo Pacione
Pedro Ramírez
Peter Thelemaque
Rafael Contreras
Ricardo Piña
Ricardo Rentería
Roberto García
Rodrigo Aguirre
Rodrigo Orellana
Rodrigo Rentería
Santiago Pérez
Sebastián Vegas
Sergio Canales
Stefan Medina
Tato Noriega
Tony Leone
Víctor Guzmán
Víctor López
Yael Flores