FM24 Data Update

Football Manager Transfer Update for FM2024 with Latest Transfers and Updated Leagues for FM24 including Promotions, Relegations, January Winter Transfer Window and Summer Transfer Window. Our FM 24 Data Update is the biggest Football Manager Update with hundreds of contributors and you can get involved and submit transfers yourself. Every real life transfer can be added to FM 2024 with our Collaborative FM24 Editor, what are you waiting for? Get editing!

  • Updated 19 Apr 2024
  • 8,118 Changes
  • 127 Contributors
  • FM24.3
Abdelakram Touidj
Adama Wagui
Alessio Beaudouin
Alexis Brouard
Alexis Chamaret
Amin Cherni
Amjhad Nazih
Ange Badey
Anthony Corre
Anthony Gonçalves
Antoine Roussel
Antonin Bobichon
Aristide Mateta
Aymeric Faurand-Tournaire
Bilal Faye
Bruno Lucas
Christ-Owen Kouassi
Davidson Guéguen
Djibril Diaw
Edson Seidou
Enzo Balenga
Enzo Cadiou
Enzo Montet
Eric Favory
Esteban Pourcher
Francis De Percin
François-Xavier Fumu Tamuzo
Gilles Bourges
Guillaume Le Roux
Guy Roland Ndy Assembé
Hugolin Hays
Irvyn Lomami
Jimmy Roye
Jordan Adéoti
Jordan Tell
Jules Cathelineau
Junior Kadile
Kévin Perrot
Laurent Lairy
Lilian Lemoine
Loïs Martins
Lomano Asenko
Lucas Droyaux
Luciano Condé
Malik Tchokounté
Mamadou Conté
Mamadou Samassa
Mamadou Sidibé
Marvin Baudry
Matéo Beaudouin
Mathis Delannay
Mathis Latif
Mathis Raimbault
Maxime Hautbois
Maxime Muhieddine
Maxime Robin
Mohamed Faidhoine
Naïm Mordi
Namory Diarra
Noa Mupemba
Noah Genevée
Olivier Frapolli
Pablo Pagis
Paul-Baptiste Leonardi
Peter Ouaneh
Quentin Lamy
Rémy Labeau Lascary
Roger Monnier
Romain Bricier
Romain Croissant
Rúben Pacheco
Ryan Ferhaoui
Sam Sanna
Samuel Come Ruiz
Sébastien Desmazeau
Sébastien Sergent
Serge Marchetti
Théo Chatelain
Thibaut Vargas
Thomas Fernandez
Tijane N'Diaye
Titouan Thomas
William Bénard
Yasser Baldé
Yohan Tavares