FM24 Data Update

Football Manager Transfer Update for FM2024 with Latest Transfers and Updated Leagues for FM24 including Promotions, Relegations, January Winter Transfer Window and Summer Transfer Window. Our FM 24 Data Update is the biggest Football Manager Update with hundreds of contributors and you can get involved and submit transfers yourself. Every real life transfer can be added to FM 2024 with our Collaborative FM24 Editor, what are you waiting for? Get editing!

  • Updated 26 Apr 2024
  • 9,252 Changes
  • 137 Contributors
  • FM24.3
Abdellah Naffaa
Alessandro Berlanda
Alessandro Mallamo
Alessio Margoni
Alex Loncini
Alex Schraffl
Alexander Gander
Alton Zejnullahn
Amin Tahiri
Andrea Arpili
Andrea Cagnano
Andrea Cisco
Andrea Furlato
Andrea Giorgini
Andrea Masiello
Benedikt Rottensteiner
Carlo Costa
Daniel Ochner
Daniele Casiraghi
Danilo Chiodi
Daouda Peeters
Diego Montecchio
Dietmar Pfeifer
Dino Ciresa
Elia Moretto
Emanuele Costa
Emanuele Pecorino
Emiliano Bertoluzza
Fabian Messner
Fabian Tait
Federico Valente
Filippo Scaglia
Francesco Bordin
Francesco Buonavia
Gabriel Pellegrino
Gabriele Vanzetta
Gerhard Comper
Giacomo Drago
Giacomo Poluzzi
Gianluca Leonardi
Giovanni Canonici
Giuseppe Acatullo
Hamza El Kaouakibi
Hannes Fink
Hannes Fischnaller
Hannes Kiem
Ibrahim Baldé
Jakob Tscholl
Jasmin Kurtič
Jérémie Broh
Jeremy Losso
Jonas Arlanch
Kévin Vinetot
Lorenzo Bonifacio
Lorenzo Lonardi
Lorenzo Vagnini
Luca Franzoi
Luis Buzi
Manuel Iori
Marlind Bahaj
Massimo Marini
Matteo Fugaro
Matteo Rover
Mattia Marchi
Michael Lanthaler
Michele Censi
Mohamed Hilmi
Nazareno Petrichiutto
Nicola Rauti
Nicolò Cherubin
Paolo Bravo
Paolo Cadamuro
Patrik Hofer
Raphael Kofler
Raphael Odogwu
Reinhold Harrasser
Renato Sula
Riccardo Ciervo
Roberto Omon West
Roberto West
Roberto Zanin
Salvatore Leotta
Salvatore Molina
Samuel Negriolli
Samuele Donati
Sarah Vitale
Sebastiano Uez
Silvio Merkaj
Simone Davi
Simone Padovani
Simone Testa
Soner Cangert
Stefan Alex Dregan
Stefano Paolino
Tommaso Arrigoni
Vittorio Cacciatore
Walter Pardatscher