FM24 Data Update

Football Manager Transfer Update for FM2024 with Latest Transfers and Updated Leagues for FM24 including Promotions, Relegations, January Winter Transfer Window and Summer Transfer Window. Our FM 24 Data Update is the biggest Football Manager Update with hundreds of contributors and you can get involved and submit transfers yourself. Every real life transfer can be added to FM 2024 with our Collaborative FM24 Editor, what are you waiting for? Get editing!

  • Updated 19 Apr 2024
  • 8,118 Changes
  • 127 Contributors
  • FM24.3
Abdoulaye Niakaté
Adam Amourat
Adama Timera
Alexandre Coeff
Alexandre Mendy
Ali Abdi
Amine Salama
Anthony Mandréa
Antoine Lepeltier
Arnaud Lesauvage
Benoît Pickeu
Bilal Brahimi
Brahim Traoré
Bruno Gacoin
Chris Bernard
Cyril Bellot
Daouda Koné
David Lasry
Daylam Meddah
Denis Moutier
Destiné Jopanguy
Diabé Bolumbu
Dieudonné Gaucho
Djulys Gomis
Eddy Costil
Emmanuel Lepresle
Enzo Jeanne
François Maurey
Frédéric Viseux
Gabin Tomé
Gagny Traoré
Godson Kyeremeh
Hamidou Yaméogo
Heliodino Tavares
Hervé Schulc
Hianga'a Mbock
Ilias Miraoui
Isaac Luifuku
Issa Karakodio
Jean-Marie Piranda
Jean-Paul Saison
Joël Matondo
Josué Kimboma
Julien Lecoq
Julien Savigny
Kais Sayari
Kyliane Lentin
Laurent Batteur
Léo Milliner
Loïc Pérard
Louan Ruellou
Lucas Vovard
Lyvans Yeponde
Malhone Modi Dimouamoua
Mario Fortunato
Mathias Autret
Matthieu Ballon
Maxence Agnoly
Mehdi Hocianat
Michel Besneville
Mickaël Le Bihan
Mohamed Hafid
Nael Anouari
Nicolas Seube
Noé Lebreton
Olivier Pickeu
Parfait Mandanda
Patrice Sauvaget
Pierre-Antoine Capton
Quentin Daubin
Robert Boivin
Robin Glemarec
Robin Verhaege
Romain Leroux
Romain Thomas
Samuel Modi Dimouamoua
Sébastien Bannier
Sébastien Maté
Serge Le Dizet
Serviliano Da Silva
Syam Ben Youssef
Thibaud Vaillant
Tidiam Gomis
Timéo Bodmer
Tom Lepenant
Tristan Blanchard
Tristan Pickeu
Tristan Rozier
Valentin Henry
Vladislav Molchan
Yann Chevallier
Yannis Clementia
Yohan Eudeline
Zoumana Bagbema