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1. i wanted something quick easy to create not just for me but for others should they choose to create them
2. i wanted something i could change easily for new seasons as i play.
3. it takes kitmakers an abnormal amount of time at the moment to create kits,
4. i didnt want to create something that would detract hugely away from the current kits being made,
5. these kits show the main areas of the designs, sponsor, club logo, manufacturer, and a basic design/colour,
all that said, im sharing them not to create a new craze over a design, but because i enjoy using them in my game and thought others might like them as well.
i have them in conjunction with ios logos that i created and will share as well, and when placed together they look pretty cool, i suppose you could even create an ios facepack if you so fancied.
ive created a preview for now, will post packs as i create them, but the great thing about this is the fact the design doesnt take long to make a pack