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How do you select the original FM19 database, i.e without the Managerial changes that have occurred, such as Dean Smith to Villa or Paul Lambert at Ipswich?
Usually you can just select the original database from the drop down pre-game, but on FM19 this doesn't appear to be the case - have attached a screenshot to demonstrate.
Any ideas?
When you have some editor data files loaded (like you do), to start a new game, you need to click the advanced setup button
Yeah mate, I know that...
I mean that usually there is an FM database that doesn't have changes on it that have occurred post Aug transfer window, which usually remains the case until the Jan update. Apparently, this isn't the case for FM19, as someone has confirmed on the sigames.com forum.
Never mind, cheers for taking the time to respond though.
I misunderstood you then.
The deadline for data submission for FM19 was in mid-September iirc, so it's not quite as precise as "anything after the August transfer window doesn't go through". Additionally, SI will add major stuff on an ad-hoc basis after that. I'm involved with the Maltese data research and this has been the case for a number of years now.
For example, iirc Lopetegui was sacked between the beta being released and the full version coming out, and that was reflected in the final data. No idea