15 years ago
1 hour ago
When you have an issue or just seeking some advice, and want input from staff/users on the forum please give enough information when initially posting so you can receive the help/feedback that is appropriate and to make sure your thread is posted in the correct forum.

Please post in English I know it is not everyone's natural language so you translate if you need to.

The information should include the version of the game you are using(ideally in the title) and it is required for you to clarify in the post the exact version eg Football Manager 2019 - 19.3.3 (1202861) and if you are a Beta tester for SI

Please use the search function here too first as there are many occasions where users are creating threads with no need when the same issue/question has been already raised and answered. If you create unecessary threads they will be closed deleted at the discretion of staff.

Use screenshots to assist with your question/issue. I use Gyazo- it is free easy and quick to use, and if you have a few points don't post as one big paragraph break it up so it's easy to read.

State what league/nation you have an issue with and take a screenshot of the files in your editor data folder as most issues are files causing conflicts

(when using third party content be careful as some do not tell you all the changes in their files and they can cause conflicts if you are running another file with similar changes, best option open any third party file in the editor and physically check what changes have been I have used files that are supposedly just for 'missing wonderkids' on opening the file the creator had also made changes to teams and other club/european changes that would have caused conflicts with my other files later in game) NB sometimes you get duplicate players in game because of this as 'missing' plyers may have been added to various files and so the game will just give the player concerned a different random unique ID.

After you have received some feedback especially if it is advice can you report back on the thread if that worked for you not just out of courtesy but for future reference for us/other users.

When a thread is closed if users have further comments to add to the thread just PM a mod/staff member and we can reopen it at any time if it is required.

Please note staff here are involved in various projects that take up our time along with moderating the forums and assisting with the live update so you may have to wait for an answer.

Can there be a bit of etiquette too on the forums when users are making a request etc it is not much to ask to use a bit of manners- a please/thank you goes a long way. Remember the person you are asking a request/question to is helping you so its not much to ask to be polite most users are really good but some are being rude/entitled and this needs to stop.

NB if you have an issue with one of our files please post in the appropriate thread do not create a thread when it can be added to one already dealing with it -

and this is an English language forum so we appreciate it is not everyone's native language but you need to post in English so use Google translate etc to assist you.
15 years ago
1 hour ago
If you are wanting to discuss our Data Update do so on this forum-

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