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I downloaded for the umpteenth time (if I continue like this I will never start a career) your last update.
I also read the bad news about @SirTavares, I'm very sorry it's over. She has always been a helpful person and I am very sorry that she will no longer be present with her files.
That said (it was a must!), I would like an explanation about the Data Editor folder.
After copying the files of your last update I find myself:
- Base File - All Bans Removed
- Base File - All Injuries Removed
- CA PA Build 21
- General Changes
- Injuries and Ban Removed
- Live Changes
- Player and Staff Changes (owned by @SirTavares)
- Promotions and Relegations 19-20
I imagine the first to be eliminated is "Injuries and Ban Removed" ... but for everyone else?
How about (if it wasn't a problem) maybe from next year to insert in the initial Thread any changes to the names of the files so as not to end up with duplicated files?
users can use the file, i just asked not to be shared with Live Transfer Update
but anyways the changes made are now obsolete
Alex Mahone
Alex Mahone
SirTavares has given his reasons and wishes.
Now, the update has the same name file in the folder.
What is the content of this file? Is it related to Sirtavares previous work or not?
@TheMinsterman is putting a file together covering player/staff issues
He is also really busy doing the usual promtion/finance/club change file so lots being done
to be clear the file added to the live update is nothing to do with Sir T at all his file has been removed, so you have made assumptions there
now if you want to see whats in the file open it in the editor as said The Minsterman is pretty busy trying to get a lot done for the whole community here
Alex Mahone
Thank you.
No assumptions at all, I wrote "same name file" and simply asked if it has any relation with Sirtavares.
I appreciate the message and looking forward to check the other file.
glad its cleared up now
For ease of purpose, ALWAYS delete all the old files and replace with the new files when installing a new version of the update.
Alex Mahone
I just tried the new file and when I use the custom start date(May 2019), Rooney future transfer does not work. Is it intended to work only with the start date in 2018?
yes matter reported to be looked at
as there is nothing in the live update file or the minsterman player/staff file with this future transfer
so its just bizarre in theory there is no record of the future transfer being set up
update if you check Minsterman's file under Rooney changes you can see where he has added the future transfer, but it fails to show in the future transfer tab this is the issue, so file may be bugged
I have solved the Rooney situation it was a bit buggy working with the Main live update and the player/staff add on file but all good now
the transfer completes as expected from my tests in game
However as the live updates keep changing every hour the issue could start again
any further issues report in https://sortitoutsi.net/forums/topic/24764/fm16-found-an-error-in-our-database as Minsterman is working on the player/staff add on file but there is no thread here to report any issues to him
Edit -with latest live update the issue returns once again his transfer doesnt happen even though it shows as set up in game initially
remove the Main Live update file and the transfer goes ahead( however there is nothing in the Main live update re rooney to cause this issue, no changes/edits have been added to rooney in that file , so there is a bug somewhere causing the conflict)