Alternative Football Manager Graphics ( the beta version of what will be the new Retro Shirts section . Shirts are sorted by Clubs and Countries so everything is easier to find what you want . Needs work on the graphics and presentation and theres another 300+ shirts to be downloaded . Hopefully will be up and running in 2022
Alternative Football Manager Graphics ( the beta version of what will be the new Retro Shirts section . Shirts are sorted by Clubs and Countries so everything is easier to find what you want . Needs work on the graphics and presentation and theres another 300+ shirts to be downloaded . Hopefully will be up and running in 2022
Looks pretty good! I did find a mistake with the Raja kit you made me a couple months ago. The league is supposed to be Moroccan Premier Division. Thank you!
Looks pretty good! I did find a mistake with the Raja kit you made me a couple months ago. The league is supposed to be Moroccan Premier Division. Thank you!
thanks … i'll edit those .. my apologies for a lack of knowledge…
Here are all the Utd kits I've managed to find. Unfortunately not yet been able to find the 06-07 jerseys yet, or some of the other 90's away kits. (Famous grey kit for example or the blue/white one from the same season)
Sorry to have clogged up this thread but have managed to track down the jerseys that I was missing, is there any chance anyone could turn them into useable kits for the game?
Sorry to have clogged up this thread but have managed to track down the jerseys that I was missing, is there any chance anyone could turn them into useable kits for the game?
I've got most of these, plus i've updated a lot of the earlier shirts.
I'll try and upload them over the next couple of days.
you're welcome … i know its not quite perfectly coloured though