Anuar Bekmyrza - Submissions - Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack



Rejected by mons on 06 Jun 2023 14:19:00
18 years ago
4 hours ago

Good work @DAKW, but we look for our cuts to be cropped much closer to the chin. At the same time, the ideal cut only contains 2-3 pixels beneath the chin. Since in some sources like this one, the person in the image may have a longer neck than usual, this would be quite difficult to achieve naturally.


For the Bekeshov cut, it's important that sources are rotated (in this case clockwise) so that they are perfectly upright when cropped.


Can you please recut these 3 images, after watching the below couple of videos.


Here's a video of the process on how to nudge the collar upwards:


And here's a video on how to rotate images:

This image is part of a pack: Cut fixes
Completed by mons on 10 Jun 2023 10:38:12