Mamoru Tsuchiya - Submissions - Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack



18 years ago
2 hours ago
@Bartosz Siniecki, is it really that hard to read and follow the rules man? We have a request limit precisely to avoid what you've tried to do, i.e. spam these forums. There are plenty of people who want their requests made, so please be patient and wait your turn, and don't make improvement image requests instead of missing to work around the rule. I've changed the category this time, but next time I'll just reject them.
Bartosz Morato
7 years ago
4 years ago
I'm sorry, my English is not good
16 years ago
2 hours ago
@Bartosz Siniecki There are few polish speaking people on forum including me. Fell free to ask me by private messages any questions you have regarding rules.
Na forum jest kilka osób mówiących po polsku w tym ja. Jak masz jakieś pytania co do zasad na forum możesz się mnie spytać przez wiadomość prywatną.