Lee Chang-Min - Submissions - Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack
27 Aug 2021 14:06:20
This image is part of a pack:
K legue mixpack
This image is part of a pack:
Request mixpack
by mons
on 14 Aug 2021 10:31:23
@FM2024, these are generally very poor cuts who don't follow the guidelines set out in this thread. In many cases, like this one, these could all be cut much better. Some are the wrong dimensions, others are cropped too far from the chin and others have snow. We want to add quality cuts into the megapack whenever possible not just any image irrespective of its quality.
Before taking on more cuts, please make sure to read the guidelines and watch the tutorials. If you have any questions on particular techniques or sources, please ask them before taking on a cut, so that you can be given specific guidance and help accordingly. Fixing bad cuts is much more difficult than actually cutting them properly.