Ştefan Moldoveanu - Submissions - Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack



This image is part of a pack: Romanian mixpack 58
Pending by claudiu-marian on 06 Jun 2022 16:13:31
In Progress by mons on 06 Jun 2022 16:15:46
Rejected by mons on 06 Jun 2022 16:15:48
18 years ago
8 minutes ago

@claudiu-marian, we have also already told you more than once that cut-outs coming from sources of such low quality are to be cut in 180x180, not 250x250.

10 years ago
11 hours ago
Până luni , 06 iunie 2022 - 16:17 UTC 

@claudiu-marian , v-am mai spus deja de mai multe ori că decupaje care provin din surse de o calitate atât de scăzută se decupează în 180x180, nu 250x250.


sorry but when I made them 180x180 I was asked to make them only 250x250. Isn't anyone okay now?

10 years ago
11 hours ago
De claudiu-marian 06 iunie 2022 - 16:30 UTC 

scuze dar cand le-am facut 180x180 mi s-a cerut sa le fac doar 250x250. Nu e nimeni bine acum?


ok I don't bother you anymore

18 years ago
8 minutes ago
By claudiu-marian 06 June 2022 - 16:30 PM UTC 

sorry but when I made them 180x180 I was asked to make them only 250x250. Isn't anyone okay now?


Can you show me where this happened? You must have misunderstood us telling you to only give us 180x180 cuts if the quality of the source is poor, which is what I recall telling you a few months ago myself, in fact.


By claudiu-marian 06 June 2022 - 16:34 PM UTC 

ok I don't bother you anymore


We have guidelines for cutters, which are there to maintain the quality of the megapack and which we have pointed out to you many times in the past already, basically with every single pack you have uploaded. You sometimes say sorry, disappear for a couple of months and come back with more of the same, which we then have to fix. There are approximately 170 images I have to fix because you paid no heed to the guidelines. Providing these kind of cuts is neither a good use of your time, and especially not of mine.


If you aren't sure you're understanding us, ask us so that you can clarify any doubts and correct them before dumping a couple of hundred cuts on us containing precisely the same shortcomings which have been pointed out to you many times previously.