César Haydar - Submissions - Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack



This image is part of a pack: Red Bull Bragantino
Pending by Ronaldo Fenômeno on 28 Jun 2021 17:17:11
Completed by mons on 28 Jun 2021 18:54:45
This image is part of a pack: Red Bull Bragantino
Pending by JoãoRatão on 15 Oct 2021 22:45:16
Rejected by mons on 16 Oct 2021 07:15:38
18 years ago
12 hours ago

A lot of these images have been cut very recently from good sources in which they look pretty similar @JoãoRatão , or in this case the exact same source.


Do check a player's timeline before cutting an image of him to see if it is really necessary; if he's had a cut in the last few months or looks pretty much the same to the existing megapack cut, there's really no point in another cut of him being produced, especially when there are thousands of pending sources which can be done instead. With so many pending images, it's important we prioritise cutter's time to focus on images which are genuine improvements rather than merely newer version of the same cut 👍


Remember, we don't automatically consider requests from newer sources as improvements. The most recent the image the better, naturally, and it's naturally ideal to have cut-outs of players in their most recent hair/facial hair style. However, his current cut-out is only a few months old, is of a very good quality and is virtually identical, so there is little point in having him cut out again and taking up cutters' time which could be used for other, more pressing needs. After all, what is the point in having this image cut when the current cut is practically the same? It's the same for all those I'll be rejecting shortly.


Don't get me wrong, if somebody cuts them, then they will be taken into consideration - it's just that these kind of images don't really need to be requested. In short, before requesting a pack, check the person's current cuts so that you only request those images which fall under the definition of improvements outlined above.

Completed by mons on 25 May 2022 06:49:47
This image is part of a pack: RB Bragantino
Pending by Belajariman on 24 Oct 2022 13:10:59
Completed by mons on 24 Oct 2022 13:40:26