@Felipe Mateus BRASIL, for future reference, when you have a lot of images to upload, then you should upload them as a pack instead of individually and save the both of us some time.
@Felipe Mateus BRASIL, for future reference, when you have a lot of images to upload, then you should upload them as a pack instead of individually and save the both of us some time.
You can also upload up to 50 images per pack.
@mons Dude, I don't know why, but the multiple uploads don't show all the players
@mons Dude, I don't know why, but the multiple uploads don't show all the players
That'll be because you're not uploading them properly, most probably. If a batch of uploaded images has some in the wrong dimensions or with the wrong UIDs, for instance, the system will show you.
That'll be because you're not uploading them properly, most probably. If a batch of uploaded images has some in the wrong dimensions or with the wrong UIDs, for instance, the system will show you.
@mons I just watched the video and understood, thank you
@Felipe Mateus BRASIL, for future reference, when you have a lot of images to upload, then you should upload them as a pack instead of individually and save the both of us some time.
You can also upload up to 50 images per pack.