Erik Tammer - Submissions - Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack
30 Mar 2020 04:26:53
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OLT - Dayton Dutch Lions 2013 [Old Pack Submission]
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Is the guy on the left in the game, and does he need to be cut too?
I don't know who the other guy is.
I don't know who the other guy is.
Neither of them is Nick Kersten, who looks like this.
According to this page, which was what come up using Google reverse search, the person I've cut is Erik Tammer, and the guy on the left is Mike Mossel.
Please make absolutely sure when you make a request that the image you've put up is correct. Just because it comes up on a Google Image search doesn't necessarily mean it's correct - it could refer to another person mentioned on that page.
excellent thank you! and i will keep that in mind next time!