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#765272 FM24 Real Name Fix File v4.1 [23/05/2024] - DOWNLOAD AND APPLY AGAIN TO FIX ISSUES CAUSED BY NEW UPDATE
no, but I just checked and found out that Ajax staff editor data (v2) from you guys arent updated.
#765179 FM24 Real Name Fix File v4.1 [23/05/2024] - DOWNLOAD AND APPLY AGAIN TO FIX ISSUES CAUSED BY NEW UPDATE
hey guys, who made this?
van ‘t Schip is Ajax manager, but in job status, he’s Assistant. make me confuse
what can I do? can I edit it on pre editor?
ps: I put eredivisie in playable league. thanks 🙂
#765167 FM24 Real Name Fix File v4.1 [23/05/2024] - DOWNLOAD AND APPLY AGAIN TO FIX ISSUES CAUSED BY NEW UPDATE
in past weeks, I really studied about how this .lnc file work.
and guys, you can edit it when game in running (but need restart game to see it works).
thank you
#765164 [FM24.4] Japan League System (Level7) & J.League 2024 Real fixtures
sorry guys,
it didn't work when new game on update 24.2
can you fix it, please? 🙏
#762092 FM24 Real Name Fix File v4.1 [23/05/2024] - DOWNLOAD AND APPLY AGAIN TO FIX ISSUES CAUSED BY NEW UPDATE
which file?
because I use only editor data from fix file 1.1
and when I check pre-editor, it already there
#762080 FM24 Real Name Fix File v4.1 [23/05/2024] - DOWNLOAD AND APPLY AGAIN TO FIX ISSUES CAUSED BY NEW UPDATE
Northwest Player of The Season :cry
#676069 TCM24 Logopack by TCMLogos - Update 24.2 Available (Jul 22)
hi there,
is Chicago Fire FC new logo is in 2022 pack?
or will update later?
#669383 3D Kits FM Kit Creator (Now Available!)
this is just a BIG announcement, thank you for all these days and make this happen!!
#659924 Image finder thread - assistance in finding a source image
can anyone give me Hansi Flick (2002042306) cutout?
or where I can find him with his old unique ID?
#580631 TCM24 Logopack by TCMLogos - Update 24.2 Available (Jul 22)
okay then, can't wait for the next update, thank you. 😉
#580624 TCM24 Logopack by TCMLogos - Update 24.2 Available (Jul 22)
hi, thanks for respond
is there updated? because I saw the link is updated on 27 nov.
#580621 TCM24 Logopack by TCMLogos - Update 24.2 Available (Jul 22)
thank you before
#571473 FM2021 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v4.0 for FM21.4 [released on 16/03/2021]
thank you for reply,
I can't wait to see final version for full version release.
#570973 FM2021 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v4.0 for FM21.4 [released on 16/03/2021]
seems like there are short name competition are not changed,
like Premier League still PRM (I hope PL or EPL), Champions League still ECC, etc.
let's hope someone fix it in next version, thanks.
#500714 FM2020 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v2.3 for FM20.4.1 [released on 28/04/2020]
it's solved,
'cause my language is ENGLISH (US), then I change to ENGLISH,
my apologize
#500707 FM2020 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v2.3 for FM20.4.1 [released on 28/04/2020]
thanks for reply,
but yes, I've been following all instructions,
and it's still EURO Cup awards and European Cup (UCL) awards, still don't know where the wrong is.
haha, finally.
I should change the language first, from ENGLISH (US) to ENGLISH
thanks, everyone!!!
#500332 FM2020 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v2.3 for FM20.4.1 [released on 28/04/2020]
yes, and I did check the awards.inc,
and start the new game again, but it's still Euro cup award, First Division (should be La liga) awards
#500271 FM2020 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v2.3 for FM20.4.1 [released on 28/04/2020]
some awards doesn't match with competition name, dan Juventus U23 short name like, still Zebra??