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#778217 SS' kits Template Thread
Hello guys!
Is there any template of the MLS' kits?
Couldn't find any.
Thanks in advance
#738371 SS' kits Template Thread
Any of you legends has the MLS kits template?
#736945 SS' kits Template Thread
Hi lad, just seen that. Where is the pack? The template is there too or just the Zagreb kit?
#619574 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Thank you man, can't believe I haven't seen that!
#619389 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Hey, how are you guys doing? I have a problem I'm hoping you guys can help me out on this! I'm still playing FM2020 by the way.
I have been creating kits for my created club (replaced TSV 1860 Munich) and I'm loving it using both the 3D and the Kit templates.
I have created the kits for the first team, the one that shows on the club page (home, away, and third) but after trying to change the color font for the 3d kit on the in-game editor, the png of my photoshop made kits are replaced by the ones from FM, as the prints attached.
Any ideas on how to not have the kit I made be replaced?
Thanks in advance lads, have a nice one!
#574425 England - English Leagues Level 1-6 3D'2020/21 for FM20/21 Relink! (30/04/21)
I just had one issue... playing with United and the third kit has the fonts on gold, not red and it's impossible to see. Any chance I messed it up somehow?
#549317 3D Kits Template Thread for FM20/21/22/23 only
Quick question tho, can I change the color of the numbers on the 3D kit? Created both the kit and the 3d but forgot that the number in the home kit was already black!