FM24 Real Name Fix
FM23 Real Name Fix
FM24 New Leagues
FM23 New Leagues
FM24 Tactics
FM24 Data Update
FM Database
FM Guides
FM Shortlists
FM24/25 Update Wonderkids
FM24/25 Update Free Players
FM24/25 Update Bargains
FM24/25 Update Players to avoid
FM24/25 Update Club Budgets
FM24/25 Update Club Facilities
Installation Guides
Prediction League
Fantasy Football
#776307 Brasilian system no states championships pyramid (patch 24.3 update)
great job!
any plan to 24.3 compatibilty?
any plan to add player for team's without full squad?
#766994 [DISCONTINUED] No 2024 UEFA competitions format
any chance of add no New “fifa club world cup” format? still only old anual format ?
#761382 How to add yourself as a newgen in Football Manager 2023
nice guide! have any way to add custom staff, coach, etc. regen ?
#687505 FM2022 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v4.1 for FM22.4.1 [released on 04/04/2022] - final version
Hi bro! my game pass app update and way of mod FM 22 on Gamepass editon as changed!
Go to Manage or engine icon
after enabled you can go to files tab and show files and mod free as Steam!
on pop up click on Enable on “advanced management features” (i show Forza screen due in FM is enableded)
I hope you can make it now!
#686922 FM2022 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v4.1 for FM22.4.1 [released on 04/04/2022] - final version
here it is still active and working perfectly.
It is probably some problem in your system.
Send me more details and I'll try to help.
#686784 FM2022 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v4.1 for FM22.4.1 [released on 04/04/2022] - final version
1 check app updates on Microsoft Store, some old versions wont support mod.
2- try download “Xbox insider hub” ( https://www.microsoft.com/store/productId/9PLDPG46G47Z ) and subscribe to windows Gaming Previews.
If it wont show mod options maybe need uninstall and reinstall all Xbox associate programs on windows.
#686544 FM2022 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v4.1 for FM22.4.1 [released on 04/04/2022] - final version
yes, i play normal a long time save this morning, after today restart PC i need reinstall FM and mods wont load proper!
Brazilian clubs, competitons, etc wont load correct on new or old saves….
i checked and reinstalled mod's and it is a game/gamepass version issue.
I found i workaround for Gamepass Version wont load proper moded files!
after made installation as tutorials.
Open Xbox Game pass app
Go to start menu , find football Manager 2022 and select "Run as Administrator" ("executar como administrador" em Portuguese)!
on admin mode, Mod's and files modifications load proper on Windows Store/Gamepass version!