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#776352 [DISCONTINUED] No 2024 UEFA competitions format
The problem with the new update is that it seems to break the Europa League and Conference League, fully stopping after 2027.
For anyone trying their luck, the Youth League is an easy fix, just add 39 teams with ranking 8 in the ranking rules with no information.
Hope someone else will be able to fix this, but sadly I do not have the time for that right now.
#762278 [DISCONTINUED] No 2024 UEFA competitions format
Update 1.02
#761054 [DISCONTINUED] No 2024 UEFA competitions format
Oh yeah, didn't catch this while running the tests, I'll take a look tomorrow.
#759441 [DISCONTINUED] No 2024 UEFA competitions format
Just added the version which reintroduces away goals as well
#759431 [DISCONTINUED] No 2024 UEFA competitions format
I don't really understand, what do you mean by opening the file?
#758928 [DISCONTINUED] No 2024 UEFA competitions format
You need to start a new savegame for it to apply
#737954 No new UEFA competitions format
The file is now updated to 23.4.2 (or 23.5)
#734181 Cyprus (D3)
Yes you're right, in reality this is only enforced with a fine, not with a set requirement, but sadly the editor doesn't allow to implement fines. This is why I originally chose to make it a requirement, since the AI wouldn't care about player development otherwise, though it originally was a rule only concerning the starting 11. I believe in the winter update SI removed this rule option, which is why it got converted to a playing 11 restriction, so I'll probably remove this, since now it's more realistic to ignore this rule then enforce it.
#734174 No new UEFA competitions format
The file is now updated to 23.4.
This also includes a temporary fix for the Icelandic Cup problem, by moving a team from the third division up to the second division.
#734172 No new UEFA competitions format
No, the coefficients just continue to function as they do right now
#730682 Cyprus (D3)
The file isn't updated for the 22.3 database yet, but I'm currently working on an update.
#730676 No new UEFA competitions format
Yeah I'm working on one right now, I'll update the file today or tomorrow, depending on how testing goes.
#730675 No new UEFA competitions format
Sorry for the late reply, but I don't think so, since there wouldn't be enough qualified teams to pick from.
#717078 No new UEFA competitions format
Yeah you would need both, but I've combined them now to be only one file
#716932 No new UEFA competitions format
You can isolate the World Cup and the Qualifiers of each continent and then remove the new rules starting after 2022 and the end dates of the old rules.
https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/540347-how-to-extract-continental-club-and-international-files-from-editor-tutorial/?do=findComment&comment=13403624 This is a step by step tutorial how you isolate these competitions.
Hope this helps you!
#714012 Cyprus (D3)
https://sortitoutsi.net/content/61484/cyprus-division-1-ss202223-by-dimitrisnic-new-171122 (Cyta Championship 22/23)
https://sortitoutsi.net/content/54099/cyprus-cyprus-league-2-ss201920-new-210420-not-sskcc-yet (B'Katigoria 19/20)
Here you go @coldpost
#711594 No new UEFA competitions format
Yeah you add it to the editor data folder