StevensLion - Comments

#455169 Tutorials and guidelines for cutters
6 years ago
3 years ago
I tried to cutout this and gave as result the next image.
(This is my second cut out and I'm posting here so can improve technique and everything)
#455168 Amadou Sylla
6 years ago
3 years ago
@mons Hey. I figured it out Paint.NET is not the best as I ran Adobe Photoshop (which consumes a ton of resources, but w/e). So I tried to cut out James Aspinall by following some of the instructions you gave in a post you linked before.I did not know that FM recognizes 250x250 images and thought only worked 180x180. I will post in the thread then until my technique improves. Thanks for everything c:
#455105 Amadou Sylla
6 years ago
3 years ago
Hey, @mons. It's my first cut ever, so I've learnt by curiosity using Paint.NET. I do have Photoshop but am unconfident within my skills. It was a rough job. I agree that with the source it could end up with a real better result. I used the magic wand (?) to select the background and whatever it didn't, I just erased it. Will try some other faces that cutout lacks, just to try how it ends. The place where I live has a really slow connection so I can't watch videos, so I was basically, self-learning to cut-out faces. Thanks for your post, I will try better. And post the images I find of lacking faces. I once worked in FMSite Facepack (IIRC I had to do a Russian second division teampack, and another ones, so I'm not entirely unexperienced with packs, but cut-out is new)

Thanks and cheers from Chile, c: