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#779389 No transfer in the first season
Afonso Henrique Garcia
Very useful file, which should have been implemented by SI into the game a long time ago. It's very bad to relive past versions of the game and find yourself in the middle of the season where teams make a series of signings that end up distorting the squads of those seasons.
#744919 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Afonso Henrique Garcia
I understand perfectly...
They wouldn't have to be those of the time, I tried the current ones, but they stay that way. I've tried it on FM 17 recently and I don't know what could have happened to make them like that. Is there a way to solve it?
#744888 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Afonso Henrique Garcia
Greetings. I've been trying to download the cut-out 6.0 torrent for FM14, but there are no seeds and the other links are completely down. Is there any possibility to activate them?
(I tried to use the most recent cut-out, but strangely the faces appear)