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#532225 How to load a blank database in the fm20 editor?
ben helliwell
Yeah it is shame its impossible but thats for the help
#532159 How to load a blank database in the fm20 editor?
ben helliwell
Like I said with the FM19 mod in FM20 the author says "Most of this is ported over from MadScientistFM's work for 2019." so I assumed it would be possible to load previous game data onto a new version to then edit, such as player data (age, stats, club etc).
#532140 How to load a blank database in the fm20 editor?
ben helliwell
Thats a shame, but I thought you could load it into the editor? I know theirs a 2003/04 database for FM20 which is just the FM19 version which he patched up in the editor to use in FM20. I would of thought that with the game being so similar you would be able to do the same with previous game databases - would of saved me a lot of time anyway as I want to try and re-create that season in fm20
#532138 More Realistic Sounds for FM19
ben helliwell
You do everything the same - just replace the sound folder from simatchviewer-pc with the one from the download
made a guide here:
#532133 How to load a blank database in the fm20 editor?
ben helliwell
#529878 More Realistic Sounds for FM19
ben helliwell