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#666191 FC’12 Israel – TASE League 2021/22
Guy Bar
These are fantastic, except for Maccabi Haifa which is slightly off with the logo and sponsor. I created better versions (not for the 4th kit) using the templates.
#663984 Israel - Israel league 3D kits 21-22
Guy Bar
I have created two kits and they work, yet when I add these into the same pack they do not. Weird. Anyways like others have already said this is low quality.
#659232 Adboard Patch Request Thread
Guy Bar
Are there any plans for Israeli club-specific adboards? Maccabi Haifa, Maccabi Tel Aviv, Hapoel Be'er Sheva, etc.
#656935 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Guy Bar
I improved upon these by adding extra sponsors for Maccabi Haifa and Tel Aviv.
EDIT: Just realized that Maccabi Haifa's home shirt sleeves are switched. Will fix that and reupload.
EDIT 2: Fixed Maccabi Haifa home.
#530065 Israel - Ligat ha'Al 3D'19/20 for FM20 Relink! (29/04/20)
Guy Bar
Tatami logo (should be on both sleeves but isn't on either in the kits, but should only be the Tatami text, without the extra text):
All of these logo colors are kit-independent, so there is some color changing to be done. This is how it should look with the correct sponsors, including the Tatami one on the sleeves (for the 1st kit):
Maybe tomorrow I'll run a test on other kits. Note that this is not a criticism, it's simply a suggestion in order to make the pack better. If you need help collecting some Hebrew sponsors just let me know.
Once again, thank you and stay safe
#506543 3D WIP 19/20Thread New!
Guy Bar
Okay, thanks!
#504571 3D WIP 19/20Thread New!
Guy Bar
#488299 SS' kits Template Thread
Guy Bar
#481655 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Guy Bar
If anybody could create it would be massively appreciated!
Also, if there is a template for the kit then I would happy to know the name of it.
By the way, the back of the shirt should be all green.
I'm trying to create this kit:
#476001 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Guy Bar
Joke's on me then, the Israeli Premier League doesn't have 3d kits. I just created my team's kits because it has a template. Thanks though.
#475887 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Guy Bar
So is there a way to fix it?
#475830 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Guy Bar
Here is the actual kit:
And here it is in-game:
#474025 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Guy Bar
Maccabi Haifa Home
Maccabi Haifa Away
Maccabi Haifa Third
Maccabi Haifa Logo
Volvo White (Sponsor)
Volvo Black (Sponsor)
Pointer Black (Sponsor)
Pointer White (Sponsor)
Variety Green (Sponsor)
Variety White (Sponsor)
#473130 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Guy Bar
#472699 3D 18/19 Download Pack update thread
Guy Bar