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#816639 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
You can check the Work in Progress thread (WIP) to see what Leagues are currently being worked on. Handy reference.
The answer to your question appears to be no. Last few seasons Dutch, Portuguese and Turkish kits have not been made in SS.
They are available in FC'12 style.
#816321 SS' kits Technical Support Thread
Thanks for you work, both on this years Bundesliga and 2. Bundesliga kits and all your past work. Always excellent, and much appreciated.
Any chance of putting currently completed kits @ https://sortitoutsi.netgraphics/browse/2/272 ?
NOTE: https://sortitoutsi.net/graphics/browse/2/272 has Eintracht Braunschweig kits for1st and 2nd Eintracht Frankfurt kits for most recent 23-24 kits. Braunshweig kits are also listed for Frankfurt 1st and 2nd kits on the Frankfurt page.
#806339 🎉 Happy Birthday Sort It Out SI - We are 21 years old today - Here's the story of our origins, when SI tried to rewrite Championship Manager and wound up delaying the game till March...
I had forgotten this one! And it WAS fairly common.
#801710 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
#797734 FC'12 Italy - Serie A 2024-25 [v6.0]
I think we're both “right.” It is one of 3 kits they're using and it is for use in Europe.
#797720 FC’12 WIP list for 2024/25 season
Thanks to all the kit makers for the quality and QUANTITY of kits.
Because I am a greedy, greedy man…hoping for Saudi Pro kits this year!
#797719 FC'12 Italy - Serie A 2024-25 [v6.0]
Bologna 3rd too?
#774993 FC’12 Brazil – Serie A 2023
To make Brazil kits display in my game I select “Allow Licensed Kits” with IN-game editor for EACH INDIVIDUAL CLUB and then they display. If I recall it was like that in FM 23 too.
Hope this helps some folks.
#768386 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
The SS kits on your NOT APPEARING list, to date, haven't been made. I don't the LaLiga has been made yet either.
#758446 FM24 Real Name Fix File v4.1 [23/05/2024] - DOWNLOAD AND APPLY AGAIN TO FIX ISSUES CAUSED BY NEW UPDATE
Stranger still, it seems to be active (at least for club names) in the pre-game editor without having to install the fmf files. I wonder if SI forgot to change the names of clubs with licensing issues?
Hmm, folders 2300, 2330, 2340 all have the same modification date in my db folder, and 2400 is 2 days later. Hmm.
#757400 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
That red away kit is spectacular. Bravo!
#754938 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
these are very tasty!
#754937 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
There aren't many people making custom/fantasy kits currently. Some (many) got fed up with the attitude (and lack of gratitude) of people. Not at all implying that applies to you.
The people that make fantasy/custom requests are doing it as a hobby and a kindness act for others. Sadly, they often haven't been treated, appreciated as such in the past.
#743258 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
@boomzdaydevice Super sweet Malaga kits!
#739678 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Check out Fantasy Kits Forum, p 186 for Betis “prediction kits”
#732880 Spain - Liga Santander SS'22/23 Relink! (27/01/23)
Cadiz have made a mid-season switch to DIGI as their main kit sponsor.
#731273 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Kit Request
Club 1 - Feyenoord
Kit maker - Kappa
Sponsor - Fortis
Template Reference Example 2008-09 Centenary Home Kit
Kits to match above example in layout for Fortis and Kappa logos and kit collar. Note this is the Feyenoord 100 year badge - it is preferred to use 100 year badge, if that is not possible my 2nd choice would be to use the Feyenoord badge from Kit 2 (Feyenoord 07-08 black kit) with the star above the logo. If neither of those options are viable the standard Feyenoord badge will work fine.
Kit 1 Based on 88-89 away
Purple - like shade of purple below . With white shirt collar (as in above example), white shirt cuff. Kappa and Fortis logos on sleeve. Please give color codes used for purple so I can match it in game
Kit 2 - Based on 07-08 Away kit below. Bluish black. With shirt collar like in template reference, shit collar with red and black matching center stripes. Red and white trim on sleeves. Centenary club badge if possible. Please include color codes.
Kit 3 Based on 21-22 Away
Solid black panel instead of the grey stripes on the black panel. Shirt collar like reference Fortis home Feyenoord kit half black half grey (mismatched to panel). Kappa and Fortis logos on chest and sleeves in WHITE please. STANDARD club badge colors (centenary badge preferred if possible or standard badge with star). Light Gold trim on sleeves instead of yellow.
Club 2 - Marseille
Kit maker - Puma
Sponsor - Renault
Based on the great kits requested by @unrmntc and made by @dantribal in March 2021. Using “Renault (2021 Version) + Fifa CWC logo on chest”
Thanks to unrmntc and dantribal for what is to me the coolest Marseille kits I've ever seen (and there a LOT of really cool OM kits, but IRL and fantasy kits). The use of the Renault and Fifa CWC logos are both great ideas and implementation. Really adds to the kits.
Kit 1 - mirror image of above - light blue with white cross, white puma and Marseille badge, white collar and sleeve trim.
Kit 2 - Based on colors of Marseille 21-22 3rd kits, but with layout of below orange dantribal kit. Puma, Renault and Marseille logos in light blue laid out like in dantribal's orange kit (WITHOUT the BALR. below the Puma logo or the Parions Sport logo in upper chest of 21-22 3rd). Collar trim also in light blue.
Kit 3 - Based on Marseille 22-23 2nd kit
Colors as is, bluish black with light blue trim. Renault logo in light blue. Collar trim light blue. No Parions Sport on upper chest
Club 3 - Monza
Kit Maker - Kappa
Badge - Standard Monza badge
Sponsor - Monza 100 (provided below)
Based on DCarozzi87 Ferrari kits made in February 2022 for Star92. Thanks to Star92 and DCarozzi87 for the inspiration for a Monza F1 themed kit.
Italian Flag colors - Red (205 33 42). White (244 245 240). Green (0 140 69)
Kit 1 - Red (205 33 42). With right side stripe like in DCarozzi87's Ferrari kit (using Italian Flag colors). Collar and sleeve trim in White and Green. Kappa in white - Kappa on BOTH sleeves too.
Kit 2 - White (244 245 240) with right side stipe in Green-White-Red. Collar in Red and Green. Left sleeve trim Green, right sleeve trim Red Kappa on chest in red. Kappa on left sleeve in Green, Right Sleeve Red
Kit 3 - Green (0 140 69) with side stripe like DCarozzi87's Ferrari kit. Collar and sleeve trim in white and red. Kappa chest and sleeves in White
Please feel free to ask any questions in PM. I do understand that kit makers here are doing this as a hobby and completely understand it takes time to get to and complete kits. No rush on my end.
As always I am grateful to all the kit makers for the official and fantasy kits (as well as other graphics) on this site that make this game we all love EVEN BETTER. Especially thanks to the fantasy kit makers who are able to make what I and others can imagine but can't create. What a gift.
Thank you
#730680 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Bayern Munich 21-22 Oktoberfest green kit - worn in Bundesliga vs Bochum
Does anyone have, or is willing to make this beauty?
#729961 FC'12 Kit Color Changes 2022/23 [v2.1]
This is a file of Edit Database changes to make the in-game graphics colors for kits match the FC'12 kit packs.
How to add these in your FM23
The first line (Win Vista/Win7/Win8) also works for Windows 10 & 11.
One can either Use the Pre-Game editor and Load (or merge) the file into your data base and save it, OR….when starting a new game, on the Career Game Setups Screen, select Database, and on the drop down menu will be any FMF files you have added to your Editor Data Folder (for example the FMF files from the Real Name Fix, or your own edited data bases, etc). The box should be activated by default, if not, simply click it to active, unclick to deactivate)
#729179 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
SS kit Request - Austin FC 2022 Away Green kit (also 2023 away)
I am pretty sure this is the official 2022 Away/2nd Kit for Austin FC, not the white away kit in 21-22 (2002) pack. For example it is the kit they wore in Western Conference Final vs LAFC
Thanks to all of you making kits (and other graphics) to make this game even better. Your time and work is greatly appreciated.
#728619 FC’12 Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Thanks very much, both for working on and also for letting me know so I dont keep manically searching for! But obviously, thank you making it. The effort and quality of everyone's work is greatly appreciated.
#728589 FC’12 Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Is there a color fix fmf pack for all leagues (like last year) that I can't find? If not will there be one? Found it to be EXTREMELY helpful last year and more accurate than the SS color fix files.
Apologies if this isn't the threat to ask this.
Thanks to all for their excellent work
#728552 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Wow. That was fast! And excellent. Thanks much hammer9
#728511 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Thanks hammer9, geez how did I miss this all this time???
If you willing to make the third Miami kit, yes I'd love that.
#728231 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Request - SS Kits for Inter Miami 2022 season
Not clear if there are kit request rules/norms here. I'm hoping someone would would like to make these beauties.
Really missed having MLS (and other league packs - especially Brazil and Portugal) this year. Grateful for all the packs and individual kits all of you have made, this year and over the years.
Much appreciation and thanks to all the kit (and other graphics) makers for your art.
#727968 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Thank you DCarozzi87. These are so good. Thanks so much, especially for the extra time and care to make the different versions with subtle, yet impactful variations. You've made my life a little bit better…again!
#727954 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Unbelievably good. Wow. Thank you for taking the extra time to make different versions. They're all so good I dont know which ones to pick.
Wow. Just Wow.
#727842 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Wow that was quick! And excellent. Extra thanks for the variation on the blue kit. Very cool.
I mean they look SO good.
Again, I have been loving the kits you've made for me in the past. They still make me just feel good when I see them. “Oh yeah, THAT looks good”
And thanks for the color codes! Very helpful. I've gotten a lot better at matching colors in game (at least getting close) but having the RGB codes helps so much.
Does this change World Cup Qualifying, or just Copa America, Libertadores and Sudamericana? Do CONCACAF nations and clubs also still participate in CONCACAF Champions League and Gold Cup?
Thanks for making and posting this.
#727643 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Fantasy Kit Request
Club 1 - Nottingham Forest
Club 2 - Sheffield United
Club 3 - Bournemouth
Club 1 - Nottingham Forest
Kit Maker - Marcon (IRL current logo)
Sponsor - UNHCR (IRL current logo)
Kit 1 - White with red pinstripes, collar and sleeve cuff trim red - Based on 2014-15 Forest Away - Macron Logo and UNHCR logo in red
sort of a mashup of DCarozzi87's recent Umbro Forest white and the stripe, collar and sleeve cuffs of the retro Forest below (with similar shoulder stripes is preferred if doable using a Macron template - without shoulder stripes is perfectly fine too)
Kit 2 - Black (24 24 24) WITH GOLD PINSTRIPE (layout like above kit with or without shoulder stripes) Gold collar and sleeve cuff trim. With or without shoulder stripes like the style of above white and red forest kit. Black (24 24 24), gold similar to gold in below (2015-16 Forest away) . Macron and UNHCR logos in gold.
Kit 3 - like DCarozzi87's Fantasy Forest kit below (except with Macron and UNHCR logos - in white). The lighter blue shade, or white, for collar and sleeve cuff if possible. Darker color, as in DCarozzi87's kit is good too.
Club 2 - Sheffield United
Kit Maker - Adidas
Sponsor - USG (to match with IRL kits for Sheff Utd 2019-20 & 2020-21 seasons)
Kit 1 - Based on 2022-23 IRL away kit. Same (or similar) design and colors with Adidas and USG logos in black
Kit 2 - Based on IRL 2022-23 Goalkeeper kit - SHORT SLEEVE. Adidas and USG logos in black
Kit 3 - Based on IRL 2022-23 IRL 3rd kit. With GOLD PINSTRIPES. Adidas and USG logos in gold. Black (24 24 24)
Club 3 - Bournemouth
Kit Maker - Umbro - IRL
Sponsor - dafabet - IRL
Kit 1 - based on DCarozzi87's - Red (192 24 40) - Umbro logo in white, dafabet logo as below. With IRL current sleeve sponsor as below is preferred. Black color and sleeve cuff trim. Red sleeve with black trim is preferred, with black stripe as in DCarozzi87's kit is fine too.
Kit 2 - Based on DCarrozi87's white Bournemouth kit. Umbro logo in black, dafabet logo as is (black text, gold symbol). With sleeve logo is preferred.
Kit 3 - Using colors from DCarozzi87's Blue and light blue Bournemouth kit. Except with LIGHT blue as solid, not checked, main color and the dark blue for the sleeves. Light blue sleeve cuffs and dark blue collar. Matching dark blue color for Umbro and dafabet TEXT, Gold for dafabet LOGO to match with other kits. Default Red, black and white Bournemouth club badge.
Please feel free to PM with any questions. Thanks to all the kit makers, and other graphics makers, who make this game even better.