Spliffzilla - Comments

#479434 SS' Fantasy Kits Request Thread (NO REAL KITS)
5 years ago
5 years ago
Any chance you can put me together Torquay's 2019/2020 season strip?

I'm like 13 seasons in now and getting very bored of "Carpet King" on the front of my kit. I'm not entirely sure how I'd get it into the game but I can figure all that out when I need to. If you can't do the new one (I notice NO REAL KITS at the top of the topic), would you mind getting creative and just making me something yellow with a Torquay badge and a groovy sponsor?

Ideally, I'd love to keep the colours the same. Yellow - Home, Baby Blue - Away, Green - Third. Kit manufacturer as Nike and the sponsor as Xbox would be ideal.

Love the work!