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#365156 Football Manager Backgrounds Super Pack
#365139 London City FC - A City On The Rise
#365080 A newbie question
Any advice or help?
#364644 Football Manager Backgrounds Super Pack
#364563 Blak
#364526 USA leagues
Thanks all.
#234524 ID Unlocker for FM14
#189151 RIP Robin Williams
#182979 The Final
#182764 Transfer Rumours 2014/15
#182763 The Final
I could say that Robin van Persie was incredible during the group stages, scoring and assisting goals as well. He tapered off in the knockout rounds too. The thing to me is this: the German players faced a much harder group with everyone gunning for them, yet their players (especially Müller) kept pounding away. Müller isn't the best player in the world and frankly never would be. But he knows how to perform for his team. In fact, I'd say the Germans typically have a few players that tend to look poor for their club sides and then turn it up a notch for Die Mannschaft.
I'd say that Messi also probably doesn't think he deserved the award based on how he looked accepting it. Sure, some of that is probably because he was upset that they lost the real prize, but he really looked disgusted when he accepted the trophy. I think he was given the award on reputation and not performance. After all, Kroos completed more passes than anyone else in the entire tournament as well as a better pass completion percentage than Messi too.
#181812 2014/15 Pre Season Thread
#181810 The Final
But I'd say Müller would've been my pick for the Golden Ball, with Robben and Rodriguez being second. Of course, I have to ask how Romero was up for the Golden Glove considering that other than the semifinal, he didn't do anything. Ochoa and Howard performed far better than him. But Neuer got it (to be honest, I have no beef with that since he is likely the best goalkeeper in the world). My best goalkeepers this year would've been Neuer, Navas, Howard, Ochoa and Cillisen (spelling?).
But I am just happy that Germany won. Germany is the team. They play like a team, not a bunch of individuals. And Boateng was brilliant yesterday. Just saying.
#178527 The Last 16
#178238 The Last 16
#175382 Group G - Germany, Ghana, Portugal, USA
As for Ronaldo, I doubt he is truly healthy, but he is too competitive to admit that he's possibly seriously hurt. And he's seen Messi start to shake off that not performing at the World Cup label and he's worried he'll lose there again too. But the thing is, outside of Ronaldo, Portugal really doesn't have a great amount of talent. Nani doesn't tend to perform well, Veloso is probably their best midfielder in my mind (outside Ronaldo) and it just seems to me that they're bare.
As for the Germany-Ghana game today, I think Germany will prevail. Their abilities outstrip Ghana who are having to deal with the gut-check of how they lost to the US after several of their players had made the mistake of guaranteeing victory in the media.
#175380 Group D - Costa Rica, England, Italy, Uruguay
#138379 Barclays Premier League 2013/14
#138378 Barclays Premier League 2013/14
#136758 FMC Stadium Superpack
#136520 What Was The Last Film You Saw?
To be completely honest...Saving Mr. Banks blows both of them out of the water in my opinion. At least as far as overall film is concerned. And both the other two movies I named are much better films as well.
#136507 The Susie Book Club
#136504 What Was The Last Film You Saw?
Twelve Years a Slave and Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom were both incredible. Seriously, if you haven't seen them, you should definitely do so.
#136449 Steklo X4
#130535 Premium Membership Downloading Speed
My speedtest is: 35.63 Mbps download.
#130255 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
#49853 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
#24791 This Israel-Palestine bullshit
Wrong. Under International Law and the Fourth Geneva Conventions, you have no right to annex or take land. Abbas has said he will begin negotiating from the 1967 ceasefire borders, but anything else is frankly illegal and even most Americans admit that. Make no mistake, without US support, Israel would be alone and a pariah.
#24790 This Israel-Palestine bullshit
I'm against Hamas, but I am pro-Palestinian and the fact is, Israel VASTLY overstepped recently and once again are killing women and children (despite saying that their attacks are all pinpoint strikes). My cousin is a USAF Strike pilot (or he was before he resigned his commission after 15 years in disgust) and he said that Israel seems to just be trying to punish innocents to send a message. He would know how that is because his squadron had been ordered to bomb civilian areas in Iraq during that war.
#24434 This Israel-Palestine bullshit