spursnut - Comments

#616962 Data file needs 'testing and verifying' before use
16 years ago
3 days ago

Thanks. Apologies, I hadn't noted that before.
#616959 Data file needs 'testing and verifying' before use
16 years ago
3 days ago
I've downloaded the latest update but upon starting a game it says the file can't be used because 'The data file needs to be tested and verified in the editor before it can be used with this database'.

I can't find a way to do that in the editor. It's the first time I've seen that message when using the Sortitoutsi editor.

Any ideas?
#420505 Removing stadiums from 3D view
16 years ago
3 days ago
I like using 3D but sometimes the stadiums and crowd create a bit of lag, and to be honest I don't like them anyway given they're inaccurately represented.

In previous versions we've been able to turn off stadiums in the preferences, but for some reason it's not an option this time which is annoying. I turn the crowd off sometimes but would just prefer nothing around the pitch in all honesty.

Is there a way of removing stadiums from the graphics via the relevant SI folders?

I'm hoping they might reintroduce the 'turn off stadiums' option in the next update but I fear not.
#371961 Update 17.3
16 years ago
3 days ago
Now the update is out, do all future Sortitoutsi live updates update the new update or do they carry on merely updating the initial update? Is that clear?!!

#368555 loading the XML file into the editor?
16 years ago
3 days ago
Just on this issue, I want to use the latest update as a basis for a new save but want to do my own editing (take out injuries etc) on top. Because it's not an .fmf file it seems this isn't possible though. I can do it with the pr0 update.

Any way around this? As said above, it doesn't come up as an option in the editor.

Just a quick edit - I realise the workaround mentioned above may also work so will try that, sorry. Original query still stands in a sense though.